10:31 PM
Friday, December 26, 2008
A very long engagement.
I have been really busy with loads of things at the moment. School's opening in a week's time, like can you believe it? And then it's back to the rigorous mugging for a good 4 months before our LONG holidays starts.
Oh come on, school's not starting yet and I'm talking about the next coming holidays?! Haha.
I hope to see myself work harder in this next semester. The past semester has been quite bad for me. Time to pull up my socks!
So what have I been busy with?
So yes you know, I have been busy with gimme gimme sprees. Over the past week, we were trying to advertise our sprees especially on facebook. Sorry about the spamming people. We just need to reach the masses on this one. That we're trying our best in doing quality service for everyone at a reasonable price.
After taking loads of orders for Threadless, now we're kinda stucked in a rut cos the prices have gone back to their normal prices and we're not sure if people wanna buy them or not. We can't just depend on friends only. We gotta reach to the friends of friends and the friends of friends of friends and so forth. Gotta tap into other people's networks.
Right now, we're having a Threadless spree, a Design By Humans spree & also aeropostale spree. We hope to get more orders. I hope you all can just help me by promoting my site.
Tomorrow's my sister's engagement ceremony! Been busy the whole day helping my mum clean the house and helping my sister do things. I'm so tired! But I hope my sister's happy, that my mum's happy.
Throughout the week, have been helping her do up the gifts, get stuffs for the gifts. Cos for our malay engagement ceremony, the female and male's side have to exchange gifts to each other. My sister's theme is blue & white. Very nice! My mother just bought the bedsheets yesterday. It's a nice cream colour. Looks very wedding-ish. Lol! But the room is nicely done up. Tomorrow will be a more busy day for us. But it's okay! I hope dear comes, but then he has "something" on i believe. Haha! Yes I know, 2 for 1 deal.
I best be off now. Please! I need your help! Thanks so much!
10:44 PM
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I'm fine!
Don't worry, I'm fine now. :)
The trip was quite disastrous for me but it was a lesson learnt, big time. Things are picking up. I am feeling much much better now, and I am slowly getting things straight back, one by one.
I hope I piece every broken little piece back into place. Less than 3 weeks till school starts. Must get geared up for school already.
We are fine. We had a really rough storm. But we're still us. And we're still learning. Tough times now for the better times tomorrow, god willing!
Went out today! Had a meeting with Jun hou at first to discuss D&D stuffs.
Then, I met Ri at City Hall. Must say that the dress I wore today was so not me! Too..... revealing. Last time I'm gonna wear that! Nonetheless, I had a great time today at National Museum of Singapore with Ri. Yups! Another one of our "excursions". The exhibits were really great! I really really love NMS a lot. Perhaps, if i have money, i'll have my wedding there? Lol, i really love the ambience in the building. So many changes since I went there in my primary school days.

Have a lot more pictures but I'll show ya in the next post. Think I'll update soon.
It was a great day spent. :)
Tomorrow I shall stay at home and settle my D&D stuffs. Headache!
I'm off now.
To sleep!
Till then.
9:35 AM
Friday, December 12, 2008
I had nightmares last night. Even sleep can't numb me.
When I woke up, everything just came rushing back.
It's terrible. But I believe that how you're feeling now is much more terrible.
Punishment for me. Never want to see you like this anymore. Never want to treat you like this anymore.
I want to go home.
One more night.
1:05 AM
Everyone does mistakes. Some mistakes are little, forgivable ones. Some mistakes are big but still forgivable. Some mistakes are not only big, but they are unforgivable.
I guess i'm an all-rounder for this.
I'm just a sucker from them. Even when I never intend to do one, they just come to me, like a magnet.
I did a mistake. And it's unforgivable. And I hurt someone. And I don't know why I did it.
Tonight is a hell of a night. Battling with my headache, myself and everything else in the world. At one point, I was already going crazy. Locking the door, thinking of what to do since I'm alone in the room. No one would know. At this point I feel like no one does care anyway.
It will be very quiet. I think it's best that it's quiet for me. I won't be looking for anyone, and no one will be looking for me. Solitude.
Solitude for punishment. From everyone.
My mind's already in a mess. Now, I'm beyond messy. Now I'm just no one.
Tomorrow will be a hard day for me. Acting it out. I don't want to laugh, yet i have to. I don't want to eat, but I have to. As it is now, I'm fighting my tears back. I can't cry in front of my family. No way. Never.
I just want to go home. In my room. Where I can cry for now.
Punishment. Punishment. Punishment. Punishment. Punishment. Punishment.
Perhaps the best thing for you, is if I am no more. Then I can never hurt you.
10:26 PM
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Away from home and not loving it.
Hi all,
Right now I'm down with a bad headache. I'm now alone in the hotel in Terengganu. Parents off to buy stuff and my sister's in the other room with my cousins. Just wanted to have some quiet so that's why I'm alone now.
Will only be able to surf the net tonight and then tonight I'm off to Lake Kenyir and I believe they have no wireless connection there.
My digital camera that I share with dear is spoilt. Lens error. Same kinda fault that happened with Tam's camera on prom night. I hope that I can get it fixed fast. I think i still have warranty on this camera.
My headache is seriously painful. Already ate medicine and my head is still throbbing. I have no idea why I suddenly have it.
I think lately I feel like my mind's in a mess. And sometimes it just gets really haywire and I really start to think stupid things. One of the things that is bothering me is my results. I am really really worried about it. I know that I should probably enjoy my holidays as much as I can now instead of worrying about my results.
I can forget about my results but at the back of my mind it's still there bugging me.
I feel like my life's really messy now. I'm really messy. My mood's really messy. My emotions are all over, and they change so fast, they get hurt so fast. I have to figure out what is bothering me before school starts. I have to straighten myself out before school starts. Maybe this trip to Terengganu should be the chance for me to think, and to sort out my emotions, sort out my mind, sort out myself. Sort everything out.
My current state has been getting me into a lot of trouble. I don't want to get myself into anymore trouble! And I certainly do not want to lose anyone or anything cos of me being like this.
I think I've been acting really weird lately and not being myself. I can feel it myself.
My headache is really acting up now. I best be off now.
I can't wait to go home!!!!!!
And I hope when I'm home, I'm in a much better state than what I was when I left home.
Much love! Till then.
1:49 AM
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
leaving in a day's time.
Sometimes I hate what comes out of my mouth. I can sound really stupid and I can really bring up the wrong topics at the wrong time.
It doesn't matter if I sound really stupid, but it does matter when the wrong topics that I bring up will hurt or affect people around me.
I don't want to hurt people.
I should be more careful.
6:35 PM
Sunday, December 07, 2008
It's the eve of Hari Raya Haji. Just finished cleaning up the house, feeling a little tired now. Mum's not cooking this year cos of the baby I guess.
Dear's away for Hari Raya Haji and he's sick. He already called just now to say he's leaving soon but he hasn't yet smsed me saying that he's in jb already. He must be really sick. I feel miserable. He's coming back tomorrow night, tuesday he's working, tuesday night I leave for Terengganu.
I won't be able to meet him till next Sunday & I think i'll go crazy. I will miss ri a lot. I feel sad cos of this, but I must be strong. It's only a week. Insyallah, we will meet again.
After listening to the takbir, I feel more calm. Initially I was crying away, but I figured that I have to be strong and pray to Allah that Ri gets well soon, that his journey to kampung and back will be a smooth one and so will my holiday be.
I should always remind myself that Allah is great, that Insyallah, things will be okay. If things aren't, then it's just takdir and we must reda.
Have a happy Hari Raya Haji!
I miss having family gatherings and so I look forward to tomorrow's gathering at my grandparent's place.
And I look forward to your safe return, love. Even though we don't get to meet, at least I'll still be able to talk to you before I leave for Malaysia.
Lots of Love, Till then.
11:43 PM
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Hort Park & Marina Barrage!
Oh sweet sweet holidays!
Like finally i can have the time to sit down and blog. I've been out a lot cos I have to settle D&D stuffs and also have outings with dear. Out of the list of places that we've been to, I've been to 2 this week!
That's mostly cos the whole of next week I won't be able to meet him or even contact him cos i'll be away in malaysia for the holidays. Though terengganu is reported to have flood, i'm sure my parents are quite stubborn and wanna go there still. Lol.
I've been to Marina Barrage on last Saturday and today, i went to Hort Park. I haven't uploaded pictures of Hort Park yet but the park is really not bad. If you wish to hike a little, you can take the other trail up to Mount Faber. It was so scary! I'm sure dear had a good laugh out of my screaming. I seriously seriously am afraid of heights. We had our own picnic there and managed to get a sheltered spot where we were stranded at cos it was raining. We talked a lot while we waited for the rain to let up.
Marina Barrage was a pretty pretty sight! I love the place. Took a lot of pictures there. Bad thing was we didn't come with food cos we were from a wedding and thought that it'll just be okay to go there. The place is very scenic. I'm sure you all would like to go there just to chillax a bit. :)

Currently I'm busy managing Gimme Gimme Sprees. Forever21 spree is up and if you're interested, you can order. Just check the website out for any further details of orders that you've made with us.
Now i'm off to watch gossip girl and then go to bed.
Till then.
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