1:55 AM
Friday, November 28, 2008
We need your support.
My exams are over! Now i'll have time to work on my D&D stuffs and also on other stuffs.
I have already created a website for sprees that we're hosting. What we do is simple, we order for you and ship them to singapore from US and then we charge you a handling fee for all the manual work we have to go through. :)
For the shipping charges, it will be shared by how many people who have made orders. Simply said, more orders, less shipping. We take the exchange rate as 1.53.
The payment will be broken up into 2. One before we order and one after the orders have arrived.
Please do support me.
The website is www.gimmegimmesprees.blogspot.com
Currently I have a Threadless Tee spree going on. I aim to order 20 Tees so that the shipping fee is reduced for each tee. If you're interested, do check it out.
Thank you!
3:39 AM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Threadless Tees Spree.

Hi people!
With the weakening of the US dollar, let's take this opportunity to shop for stuffs. (the US could possibly rise in 8 months time and then it'll be more expensive to shop there. lol!) Teamgimmegimme is opening a spree for threadless T-shirts. They're having an annual holiday sale. Tees are going for U$5, US$10 and US$15. Spread the word around!
If you're interested, just email the order stating the design, size, and price to teamgimmegimme@gmail.com. :)
1:37 AM
Second Batch Aeropostale Ordered.
Hi friends! Aeropostale Batch 2 is already closed. :) Will be ordering it tomorrow (Wednesday) cos I have enough orders already. But you can still order with me if you want. No worries. I'm gonna start a business out of this! Not a big one, just a small one first. I'll be posting/opening sprees here on my blog for the time being. I really really appreciate all your help & thanks. Hopefully everything goes smoothly. Don't worry I haven't been spending much time on this. Ari has been helping me out with the orders. When we have decided to open a new website solely for the purpose of sprees, i'll advertise here. Haha. I have one more paper left to go! And after Thursday, I am freeeeee! :) yeayness. Okay friends, I just need one last favour from all of you! Please do help support me if you see any spree going on. Just the mere action of telling your friend(s) will be appreciated so so so much! I'm really having trouble with publicity especially on livejournal as there are too many competitors already or that those who are advertisers for spree sites are way too nasty. Do help me out here! I'm off to mug for BS104! :) Once again, thanks. Till then.
10:07 PM
Monday, November 24, 2008
Aeropostale Order Anyone?

Hi people! Sorry if I keep advertising stuffs!
I'm currently ordering stuffs from US and aeropostale is having 50% off almost all items! :) I'm having trouble spreading this. It's not easy to start something like this.
But if any of you like anything from the site, do not hesitate to tag me and ask me for details. Do check the website out. It's www.aeropostale.com
I already ordered the first batch and so far it's going on well despite certain problems earlier.
Do order asap as their items then to get out of stock (OOS) quite fast. :)
Thanks a lot. :)
5:06 AM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
So glad, so grateful.
I am so glad that my beloved cat is back.
Thanks to my neighbour, whom i actually know, I got my dear ciak back. I am so so so glad and grateful.
Syukur Alhamdulillah.
4:39 AM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Crazy ideas.
Hi all!
If you see this, can you give me a helping hand?
I wanna try this vpostusa out. (yes, i know i have itchy fingers.) It's a service by Singapore Post and it helps you ship stuffs from online shops that don't ship to Singapore by giving us a US address. Usually, if you spend above a certain sum, they ship free to the US address. But you have to pay for the shipping fee from US to Singapore though.
If I do this all on my own, it's gonna cost me way way way a lot and whatever cheap deals i get from buying stuffs overseas, will not be as cheap before. So the rationale from having all these different orders is that you share the international shipping fee. So you'll pay much lesser than just doing the shipping on your own. So you get my drift?
I wanna try out with one website first though. If it works out this time, then we all can use it again. :) We can even try shipping from other online shops like forever21 etc etc. Usually they're sale bargains are pretty okay. :)
If you're interested to help me out, you can just drop a message on my taggie board.
I wanna start with shipping stuffs from aeropostale.com It'll have to be above USD 100 though.
Haha, I know it's a crazy out of nowhere idea but if you think you can help me make this work, then that'll be good. :)
Aeropostale is having 30% off but you have to tell me your order before 23rd okay? :)
3:34 AM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Not knowing how to explain things.
Today's paper was disastrous. :( I just really really really hope I get an S for it. Have two more papers to go. One on next tuesday and one on next thursday.
Met dear today for dinner. Haha! Usually our dinner dates are really simple. Just makan and go home.
Sayang had to go off earlier cos he has this ORD chalet thing with his friends. He calls it a stag party. Haha! I hope you have fun there dear. :)
Till then, i'm off to bed.
Sometimes, I wish you would understand more. Not you, it's you.
Someday I'll be away, and perhaps it's too late to understand then.
Sometimes, whatever I do, might not be right, might not make sense, might not be to your liking but bottomline is I still care for you. Will always care for you and love you.
I want you to understand that I am happy. And one day when you've found yours, you'll know how I feel.
8:05 PM
Monday, November 17, 2008
All stressed, tired and on the verge of giving up.
Organic Chem paper just now was quite a disaster. There was too much information to be digested that I kinda screw it up. The paper was quite hard, i couldn't even do one synthesis question.
Tonight I'll have to cram all the chinese characters for tomorrow's paper. I checked my CA marks for this module and it sucks. I don't even know if i can get a C for this paper. Bottomline is, i hope i pass. Will try my best. I really don't wanna retake my chinese module anymore!
Tomorrow will be a better day. I really really hope so.
Till then.
4:03 AM
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Back from the dead.
2 papers down and 4 more to go. After tuesday and I'm left with 2 more papers! But the last two papers, i've yet to study anything for it. HELP ME!
After all the exams, I'm gonna fully utilize my holidays, enjoy every single minute of it and make sure I meet up with all the people I've been unable to meet up with.
I kinda miss my grrlfrens a lot, and I haven't been meeting them for sometime now. I hope you all don't feel as if I've forgotten you all. I'll make it up to you grrls soon! :) Love you grrls. I'm really sorry grrls. I hope you all understand.
I'm kinda down with a bad case of infection now. Haish. What timing! Just had to come during my exams. My lymph nodes was pretty swollen yesterday. Guess it's producing lotsa lymphocytes to battle all the foreign particles coming from my infected feet! I'm going to the doctor again this sunday for a review and hopefully the infection is under control. Or not, i'll be admitted to hospital.
So since I have an infected feet, dear came over to my house just now and brought some food for me. We had ice cream! Those non-chocolate ones, mind you. Cos the doctor says... No chocolates, no peanuts, no crabs and no prawns! And I surprised dear with his Aeropostale Polo Tee which came flying from US all the way to my doorstep yesterday. Glad that dear like them. :)
Oh yeah! Just wanna share something. Go to www.aeropostale.com! They have real nice clothes and good deals there. They're like a sister brand of abrecrombie and fitch. My sis got two shirts for less than 30 bucks cos they were on sale. :) I bought a few shirts myself, though they do take time to reach Singapore. Say.. 3 weeks? If you wanna order them, just tell me if you're interested. :)
Right now, I best be off to sleep. I have a long day tomorrow! Need to cram for Organic Chem module and also Chinese!
Till then.
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