11:44 PM
Friday, August 29, 2008
Week 4 already!
It's the end of week 4 already. How fast time passes by. Right now, still feeling that I've not really adapted to the new school environment. I hope in a few weeks' time I'm more used to the whole uni schedule.
Just now had lab session and it was quite fun despite me being a bit blur here and there. Tried using the pH probe and the magnetic stirrer. Used the pH probe once in secondary school before but forgot how it was operated and all. Haha! Seen the magnetic stirrer but never used it before. So in all, it was quite a fun experience. Better than last week's practical of which was quite dry and got me having a headache from all the foreign photos.
Tomorrow is saturday! And I'm gonna meet up with dear. :) Happy! I miss him. This week has been pretty busy for me so I only got to meet him for awhile on Wednesday, of which he watched me complete my tutorial and then send me home. I love you dear! :)
Heading to Suntec for Comex and after that visiting grandma. My youngest cousin is still at my grandma's place so will get to see her again! Haha. She's 3 this year but omg, she's really very talkative for a 3 year old! Haha. I do miss her. Hopefully dear doesn't team up with her and tease me again! He always does that when we go to my grandparent's place and my cousin's there. They'll call me smelly and he'll teach her to pinch her nose and point at me. Bluek!
Just came back from going out with the family. I love my family too. I love my mum, my dad and my sisters. My two elder sisters are at KL, one celebrating her 25th birthday this year. Get married soon la okay Kak Nini! :P
Ramadan is coming real soon. In fact fasting month starts on Monday, of which all of us Muslims will have our predawn meal on Sunday night. I hope this Ramadan brings much blessings to all of us, doesn't matter if it's in terms of wealth, health, happiness etc. On my part, I'd like to seek forgiveness from all my family members, my friends and any others whom I have offended intentionally or unintentionally before. Let's put all the past hatred and enmity behind us and fast with a pure heart, with pure intentions for this Ramadan. Let's do our best for the holy month of Ramadan! :)
Till then! Have a great weekend and a good start to the fasting month! :)
9:00 PM
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The gloomy gloomy weather.
Was supposed to go jamming today but Rico was sick so we didn't. Unfortunately, dear and I were already on the way to Bugis with our stuffs.... so had no choice but to just make our way there. When we reached Bugis it was raining super heavily already!
When we reached burger king to have lunch, both of us were quite wet already. And from then on, it just continued raining and raining.
Was a really gloomy sunday today, so hard to get around with our guitar/bass.
Next week's another school week.
Hope things get better at school.
i'm so sorry about what i said.
Till then.
11:07 PM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Living up to expectations.
The past weekend has been so tiring for me. I hope my parents understand if i do not wish to participate in family activities cos I seriously need my weekends to finish all my tutorials. Yesterday's trip to Malaysia was terrible. My sister and I lost our passports there cos it accidentally dropped off one of the side pockets in the car. And so I reached home at 6 am in the morning. I already told her that I didn't want to follow the night before but knowing her, she'd probably try to persuade me into going. So not wanting to put up a fuss/start an argument, i just followed.
Sometimes I think my parents don't appreciate me. Or maybe that's just how I feel.
Lately I've been complaining that I feel tired. Especially after teaching tuition, where I would go home feeling like a zombie. Less than 2 months and I'll have only the brother & sister to teach. Just have to tahan and help my PSLE tutees right now.
Fact is, I do feel really tired. Even if it's on a short day at school. My lessons, on the average, end at around 5.30pm. I know I'm not the only one who ends lessons this late. I think they're those that end later. I just need my parents to give me my own time to adapt to uni life. They seem to expect me to fit in into uni life easily, of which i'm not able to right now.
My sister thinks being in uni and all is pure fun. It's fun, but it's not pure fun. It's hard, getting used to all this is hard. Parents compare you too. My sis thinks it's hard being compared to me. And she thinks that I don't get compared. My mum always wants to compare me with my mum's friend's daughter, who has graduated and is earning a satisfactory income. They keep saying that she's so cool, that she's this that, this that.
Sometimes my mum and I are at loggerheads. She just has her set of ideologies, while I have my own. I still love her, just that I'd prefer to do things my own way. My mum, being my mum, wouldn't really hear of that. And that pisses me off at times. ( quite frequently though :S )
On the other hand, I'm trying my best. Really trying to keep up with lectures and tutorials. Not trying to get so worked up and just relax a bit. Fasting months coming soon, so i guess that'll give me a chance to save up on $$. Next month i'm turning a year older too. Looking at the brighter side of things, I now can partially escape housework and well, my mum's starting to cook dinners quite frequently. Guess sometimes, mum does give me my fair share of liberty. and I certainly hope, she doesn't feel that I'm abusing it.
Till then, Have a great week ahead.
9:23 PM
Friday, August 15, 2008
sleeping under the stars.
It's the end of week 2 already. Time does pass us pretty quickly huh? Kinda scary. I'm still struggling with uni life for now. Well, hopefully, by the end of this sem, i'm able to fully adapt to this whole new environment.
Dear's coming in next year. Can't wait! Haha. Well, today I was SUPPOSED to have lab session but when I reached school, turns out there wasn't one. -_- Lab starts next week.
Overall this week has been quite tiring. Next week is CA/Prelim week for my tutees. Hopefully they'll do well. I'm fully booked on Sunday, need to help my student's clear doubts. Very last minute, but something is better than nothing.
Was looking through some blogs just now and well, I was kinda amazed. Amazed at how rude people can be at times. Maybe for different people, how they deal with things are different. Say if you get offended, why not just tell the person off nicely? There's no need to make personal remarks on that person on their physical appearances, for example.
Can't believe this. I hope the person gets a taste of his/her own medicine. Like really, how the person thinks so highly of himself/herself is despicable! I can't believe no one ever dares to give her a wake up call. May the person one dare open their eyes to how some things on the surface are destructible, how god can just take away what they have in the blink of an eye for what hurt/grievances that the person has done on other people.
Till then, happy weekends!
2:19 AM
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Wheels on the bus go round and round.
First day of school was a bummer. Entered the lecture hall 45 mins late after 3 failed attempts of getting on bus 199 from the Jalan Bahar bus stop. It was terrible! No lecture notes, late and feeling all sweaty. :X Second day of school was much better. Went to school on a 2 wheel drive! Haha, well, dad offered to send me after 2 failed attempts to get on board 172 from home. Thanks to Ais reminding me that the next day was STARS day, I brought my heavy laptop to lecture just to get an upperhand in selecting the second elective. So, there! Now i'm taking econs and chinese elective for Sem 1. Haha! I know, i know. Of all courses?! There's an exam even for the Chinese elective so i hope, i can do fine for that. Well, I can practive speaking mandarin with dear maybe? He's also gonna take up Chinese Language. Lol! So coincidental. :) Third Day of school tomorrow. I think they'll be no problem of me not being able to board any buses cos I have an afternoon lecture slot at 4.30pm. Gonna study econs again.... Gosh, I hope i can reproduce an A for econs this time. No more TKS tutorials to look forward to though! Hmm. I miss TKS' tutorials. Those fun S19 times. Lol! So next week, there'll be the IT fair. Hope things go well! I WANT MY MACCCCCCCC PLEASEEEEE! Oh, and i need a new printer as well. Cos my old printer suddenly gave up on me. I like that printer so much though! Been with me for a good ol' 7 years already. Tomorrow dear's gonna meet me at school! :) Won't be able to meet him for the rest of the week though. But it's okay! We'll get to meet next week before dear has to stay in camp for ops. Dii will be a good girl and pray for sayang's safety! Family going to Malacca on Sunday. Hopefully got sale at Malacca so i can shop for some clothes! :) Think we'll be celebrating Mum's birthday during the trip as well cos her birthday's on monday. Think i'll just get her something simple. :) A little budget this month! Haha. Sorry mum, I love you still. Till then!
12:35 AM
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Pain in my tummy.
First ever time i was down with food poisoning. It sucks cos you feel like the dumps after all the vomitting. :(
But i'm feeling slightly better now. No more vomitting and no more diarrhoea. Missed Freshmen Orientation Day and also Lab Briefing so that means i have to go next week. Waaahhhh.
School in less than 3 days!!
But thank god. Week 1 quite slack. :)
Till then!
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