1:04 AM
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
i feel like blogging. But i don't know about what. Can't sleep yet. Guess i'm used to sleeping late these days. Everyone's pretty asleep. So it's really quiet here. Thank god for the cats. They're accompanying me.
Just finished watching priceless. It's a nice movie. Pretty hilarious! Enjoyed it much. Paris Jet`aime was nice too. I love most of the short stories.
Really have nothing to do. Wanna read book but sis is sleeping in my room. Lights are off.
Tomorrow's wednesday. My off day. Have no plans now. See how things go.
Right now. Kinda feel lonely. Wonder if anyone has ever fallen in love with silence. Lol. Okay, pardon me for the random thought.
And pardon me for rambling on. For i just feel a little chatty today. (Oh what has technology turned us into? Making us talk to blogs rather than people. Well maybe in my case it's pardonable cos it turns out there's no one to talk to at this point of time. Lol.)
I've always been much of a crybaby really. Mum said i cried easily when i was young. Haha. But sometimes, I feel that crying makes me feel a whole lot better. So when i'm troubled, i'll just cry and then after that, i'll feel better. Like i'm ready to solve the troubles. Like my fears flow down along with my tears. These days, i've been telling myself not to be such a crybaby. To learn to face things without breaking down and crying. Sometimes it's hard. It's as if crying has become habitual to me. And that's not good. Cos honestly, i annoy myself with my tears really. So the crying has to cease. I'm a big girl now after all. (And there goes the song Big Girls Don't Cry. Haha.)
Sometimes people don't know me. And sometimes even i don't know myself. Like at times i'd feel angered or upset. And when i ask myself why do i feel this way, i just do not know why. (Like honestly, it's not PMS. Hah.) Maybe i'm not the only one who feels this way i guess. I hate, hate, hate it when i feel this way. For sometimes, it tends to affect people around me. And i wouldn't want people around me to feel upset. That's not nice. I hope there's a remedy to this "syndrome". Would a shrink be necessary? Lol.
12:30 AM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The weekends have been really tiring. Monday was super tiring. And it's only the start of the week. Guess that's my most frequent word these days. Lol.
I hope the rest of the week mellows down. Over the weekends, had a family emergency and had to head down to grandma's on Saturday. It was scary. Seeing uncle like that. I only hope things get better for him.
Ri's birthday was yesterday. That guy's 21 already. Haha! We celebrated it on Sunday. Plans were interrupted halfway cos I had to head home early. Cousins wanted to come over. Ri and I rented two French films and headed home after watching The Leap Years at JP. It was a pleasant movie.
Mum brought Little Cousin over for one night. Waah.. It's so tiring to look after her! She has her little tantrums amidst her extreme cuteness and you'll just have to be patient and endure them. But when she's in her good moods, gawsh.. So adorable!! Lol. She woke me up in the morning. And after that I had to attend to her. Barney was on for like 3 to 4 times. Of which later, I let Barney rest while Teletubbies came to play. Lol. I sang with her, skipped with her, danced with her. Became a little kid myself. Haha!
Just came back from teaching tuition. Wanna grab some winks. Hopefully tomorrow morning there's time to watch Paris Jet`aime.
Till then, I'm in dire need for sleep!!!!!!!!!!
1:08 AM
Friday, February 22, 2008
so awkward!!
Today has been a tiring day. But it's won't be as tiring as tomorrow i guess. Yups. But I will pull through Friday! Last day of the week. Only 3 students. It's all in the mind.
Today ended in a pretty awkward way. It's so awkward I can't help laughing when I think about it. I hope Sunday won't be awkward. Or not later Dii will be sad.
Till then.
1:47 PM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I'm too lazy to blog these days. Tutees are having CA soon. So i'm working on most days to prepare them for their CA.
Next week... They're having their CA in the early part of the week. So by Wed, I'm free. But thursday, friday and saturday, back to teaching. For saturday, after that, nothing to do. Home I guess. Or can go shopping with someone. Think will ask the AJ friends whether can meet up next week or not. Sunday, nothing planned. Zilch. Maybe family will make plans for me. Lol.
Ri is away for 5 days. So yeah. My phone will be ultra silent. Haish.
Till then.
1:46 AM
Saturday, February 16, 2008
terribly dissapointed.
I'm just terribly disappointed in someone. Like i wonder, how can I make things better. And worse of all, I see your face everyday.
I'm not perfect. And you're not either. But i've gone through more than you have. When i think you've done something wrong and try to advice you, you'll always talk back. Can't you just listen and take the advice? I've listened to you a lot. A lot. But everyday what do you talk about? Complains, Boys. Nothing else. I listen. But at times, I'm tired. So I don't listen well. I'm sorry.
But, Like honestly, you use the computer a lot. What happened to trying to work towards express class? How are you gonna achieve your dreams by being glued on to the laptop?
Sometimes I would back you up. Sometimes I back HER up. But most importantly, I back up whoever I see right. Don't you know I try to understand you enough?
Fine, you don't like my boyfriend. And I appreciate you trying to change your attitude towards him. I'm torn in between. I love you both. You're important to me. It breaks my heart. Really breaks my heart. Well, if ever my fate is to be with him, god willing, I wouldn't want to choose. Cos it's not right. Family is important. And dear, I've thought it through, I wouldn't want to chase her out if she comes for help. Maybe I said that hastily last time. After all, blood is thicker than water. No matter how bad she is, she's still a very important part of me. I don't want to side either of you. I love you both. How can I do that.
Nonetheless, what you did, anyone will deem it as wrong. How can you go around calling me a life ruiner, saying you hate her and all? That is simply heart wrenching! You don't know how much I care for you! You wouldn't want to even think twice why all of us are nagging at you! All you think of is your luxury. What you don't see is how much we worry for you, how much we all protect you and how much we all sacrifice for you.
On my part, I've made mistakes before. I've once neglected you for a short while. But i apologized and try to make up to you for it. I always ask you how things are going on. Listen to your boy stories no matter how uninteresting they may be, try to defend you against Her when she scolds you about homework.
I've tried. And i'm giving my best. But i don't see why you can't give your best either. Learn to give in at times. I'm very disappointed.
You owe me many apologies.
12:42 AM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Hello peoplessss!
I had an awesomely great rawking sweet day today. :) When to shop for certain stuffs with my dear! Legs are aching from all the walking but it was worth it i guess.
We met darn early today to catch CJ7! That movie is so heartwarming! The kids in there are real cute. Yups. I'd give 4.5 to 5 full popcorns for it! Should go and watch it. :) Most probably the girls would like it more than the guys. But you can't be too sure. Dear liked it too. And I almost wailed out loud crying. Wahaha. Paiseh Paiseh.
So after movie, we were out to peninsular first. Ri wanted to try his luck out and see whether the Behringer BDI-21 is still in stock. Tried a lot of shops. From the basement all the way to the top. Lol. We even WALKED to Bras Basah to see but no luck at all. Since we were intending to get our watches today and there happened to be a few watch shops at Bras Basah, we checked them out and I got my eyes on a nice turqoise Baby G! It's a Digi-Analog. Nice nice. :)
Thought we'd try our luck at Bugis to see if they still sell the G-shock couple edition but naaahhh.. too bad. Sold Out. We had lunch at Banquet then we WALKED to Bras Basah again. Walk Walk Walk. So finally settled on Ri's Timex and my Baby G. :) So finally, i have a watch to wear. Wooppeee.

So after that, we WALKED to Citymusic @ Peace Centre to get Ri's Hartke Pre Amp cos he said he's satisfied enough to get the Pre Amp. Lol. Dear tested it out in the shop. And then i kpo2 go test out a Craftsman guitar. Ahaha! Was pretty shy about it at first. But it was a nice experience. Ri will become my cheecher right? Aye Aye Sir! Haha.
Not so happy with his purchase (cos stocks were only in the next day), we made our way to orchard. Yes, by FEET again. Mum called then to ask us to make our way to Ayer Rajah Food Centre to have dinner. Had no idea how to get there.... so called Tammy! Tammy to the rescue! Wahaha. :P
Reached Ayer Rajah, had dinner with Family and Ri and then headed home. Overall, a satisfied Dini. :) Mum likes both of our watches. So we both have good taste no dear? haha. I'm one happy little girl. Yeaaaayyy.

And so.. this self-proclaimed little girl wants to go to bed.
Till then!
11:20 PM
Saturday, February 09, 2008
happy chinese new year 2008!
Well hello people.
Let's just have a short post for today.
Happy Chinese New Year To All My Friends Who Are Celebrating It!
till then.
10:54 AM
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
what a great day! not.
What a great start to a new day.
I'm at home. Change of plans. I'm having a bad tummyache. A sequel to the tummyache I had yesterday. No idea why i'm having such a bad tummyache. I feel cold and i don't feel like eating.
Owh what a great day.
happy 8th.
1:53 AM
god, help my students.
I'm missing dear right now.
He's not feeling well. Kinda worried about him. Cos he's sick and he still went to work.
Gonna meet him tmr to get our watches. Hopefully, those people who are interested in the watch aren't so kiasu as to get them today. It's quite nice really. Lol. But plus point is to be able to meet dear. We've been really well behaved I must say. We meet like twice a week. It isn't that much right? Lol. I hope mum doesn't say that it is. Told her that I'm meeting dear tmr to get the watch. She was like, "Hmmm......" She sounded like she was joking around. But with mum, you can never be too sure.
This week sounds like a slack week to me. CNY week after all. I might be off to Desaru for a short trip on Fri to Sat but not sure yet. Depends on dad. Mum's still not so well. Darn stressed with her job. Fell sick and got MC for three days. Not her fault right? But her boss held back her pay cheque and said she was on MC for too long. Ironically, she sent her home on one of the days as she was not willing to have someone to spread the disease around. Whatever. Poor mum.
Dad told her to stop working there as the staff welfare is really bad. Mum has to work late nights and all. And the environment is so.... unhealthy. Very crude language around. Waah. Think my mum should just stick to her property job. Mum says she's about to close a BIG rental so i hope things go smoothly for her.
Other than the short getaway, i wouldn't be teaching tuition much this week. One student is off for the whole week. Which gives me a little breather. Rescheduled all the slots to Wednesday and Thursday. So... I can't go shopping or anything on Wed. Sorry tam. :) Next time okay? Post CNY SALE!! haha. Gosh. Post CNY sale... a little untimely for me. Rawr.
Last weekend was nice. :) I got to meet S19 again. Which is always fun. Went to Indochine for dinner. HAHA! Exorbitant. O-O But the company was great. So I didn't mind. Yups. :) Am happy. Got to meet ri in the early afternoon and got to meet S19 in the evening. Enough to make my day! Sunday was spent with the family. It was a nice day too. Went for a birthday party. My mum's friend's daughter. Yups. I had a goodie bag! Lol. Even though i'm like close to 19 yrs old. GAWSH. So old.
Owh wells. I pass off well as a 14 year old girl no? That's what my mum's friend said. haha. I take that as a compliment. Which means to say, when i'm 25, i'll look 20. How cool is that? :)
Lol. I best be off. Don't want to be late to meet dearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!
Till then. :)
12:59 AM
Saturday, February 02, 2008
thank god it's friday!
Hello lovelies!
Just a post before i head to bed. Have to wake up early to teach tuition tomorrow morning. Only one student. So thank god for that. Meeting Ri for lunch and then meeting S19 for dinner @ raffles place. Yeay! :)
So today was an okay day. It ended in a pretty weird but funny way, i must say. Haha!
Woke up in the morning and just slacked for the first half of the day. Didn't have much to do so I practiced guitar. My skills still cannot make it though my mum thinks it's okay. Lol. But what does she know huh? Haha. Must make mental note. Ask dad listen to me play Hotel California. And ask him to sing. HAHA! Gosh. dini is so weaaaakkkkk.
So after practice, i headed out to teach. At my first student's place, I was served with bread. But the spread was weird. It was blueberry with nutella. Surprisingly, it tasted great! I finished it all. Haha. Maybe next time I shall make that myself. It's weird but nice. Cool.
After second and third student, was super super tired already. And hungry. Mum was at Aunt's house which was next to the block of the last student that I was teaching. So, I went up again and met my mum there. After that, went for very very late dinner.
My sis was tired and so she decided to stay in the car alone. To our horror, she went into deep sleep and locked us out of the car when we finished dinner and wanted to head home. We were panicking and just trying our best to wake her up from outside of the car. It's not good to stay in the car and sleep with all the doors locked. She could have got suffocated. Mum tried rocking the car even! But she still didn't wake up. At that point of time I told my mum there's no point rocking the chair cos she's probably enjoying the rocking in her sleep. Haha! But thank god she woke up at last after our knuckles were sore from knocking. Thanks ah sis.
Lol. Mum was superrrrrr maaaaad at her. But she's fine now. Lol. Would never forget this incident. Dad was already rushing to the coffeeshop when he heard that happened. Haha! When we got home, all of us laughed over it. Damn hilarious. HAHA!
Rawrrrrr... Am feeling real tired now. Wanna head to bed. Can't wait to meet Ri and S19 tmr!
Till then. :))
12:24 AM
Friday, February 01, 2008
que sera sera.
Hello people.
Am finally home after teaching tuition today. Grandparents were nice enough to pick me up from JP which is near my student's place. We had dinner at JP and then they drove me home. :)
While waiting for them, i walked around pretty aimlessly and finally just walked in to esprit. Some stuffs were on sale. Lol. I was wondering whether i should get the polo tee on sale or not.
After like walking around the shop for 2 to 3 times, I just decided on the polo tee and paid for it. HAHA! So much for budgetting.
Haish. I'm tired.
Tmr's friday.
Which means i have 3 students. starts at 3, ends at 9.30. Dieded.
By the end of tmr, will surely K.O.
Haish. I'm tired and I feel bad for dear. He's not feeling too well now. He's down. Wished he's cheer up. Ri, you're very capable of achieving your goals. You can do it okay? :)
I think i really gotta sleep. Dead tired.
Till then.
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