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3:19 AM Monday, January 28, 2008
nothing more but only your love.
Hello one and all,
I'm so happyyyyyy!!!

Today met up with dear to watch a play. Watched "Above Us Only Sky" by Zizi Azah. So far, this is the second play that i've watched which is written by her. I find her works pretty good. This play is different from Fat Cat. The mood is more toned down and dark, while Fat Cat is much lighter. Above Us Only Sky was mainly about the woes of victims of racial conflicts and Zizi conveyed them through the lives of 3 orphaned sisters who only have each other to survive the war. I'm not really good about being critical with these kinda things. Haha! I'm a science student after all right? :P

I did enjoy the play though! Even though the audience was pretty disappointing. The recital hall was 99% occupied by infantile kids who just couldn't display the proper manners during shows. What can i say.... secondary school kids. Owh wells. I was once like them too I guess. But perhaps, a little more refined. Lol. I bet dear's laughing or rolling his eyes now. :P
Hmm... Since the play mirrored the situation in the Israel-Palestinian war, i couldn't help but remember our GP lessons back in school. Lol. We had a 'peace forum' to discuss the war. I was a Palestinian doctor. Haha! And Eric was the judge. And a wise judge he was. Do you still remember Shannon? Haha! Lol. I miss school!!
After the play, we had dinner at the food loft at Marina Square. Wasn't feeling too well then already. Felt like I was gonna get a really bad headache.... and I did. But the food was nice. And i like the ambience of the Food Loft. It overlooks the Esplanade and it's really breezy up there.

We still had time to kill before we had to go to Fourtones @ boat quay for dear's jamming session with his band... so we walked around for awhile. Got our scrapbook at citylink. Was on sale. So might as well get it. Yeay! Now can start decorating our scrapbook already. :) Then we went to central mall and had a drink cos shops at Boat Quay were closed. Lol.
When the whole band came, they jammed while I just sat at the couch there and watch them play. I like seeing them play. :) And i think Eve is cooool. Yups. Jealous!! Haha. I wanna play the guitar like her but I really suck at it. I practice now and then.... so what do I expect huh. Lol.
Dear sent me home first before meeting his band again for their routine supper. Lol. They're very nice, funny people. Like really! :)

And so, that's explains why I'm happpppppyyyyy! Cos i met my dearest dear today! Yeay! I think I'm really happy on days that I get to meet dear. And on days that I don't, I'm still happy cos he's still a call away from me. :)

I'm grateful dear that I've you to laugh with, cry with, punch, pinch, tickle, tackle, joke with and learn serious stuff with. Sayang ri! :))

he's still as BOTAK as ever. :P

omg. look at my kitten sleeping. haha!

Till then.

I hope everyone has a great week ahead! :)

11:37 PM Tuesday, January 22, 2008
staying committed.
Hello people!

I just came back from dinner with dear. :) Am very happy to meet him after not getting to pinch him after a week. Guess we both have been busy with work and our own family. It kind of left me a little miserable. But i'm okay now.

I've been a little moody lately. It scares me. Ri became the victim of my moodiness. He's been stressed cos of me. :S Sorry dear. Just now we talked about it. And i guess i'm very blessed. Ri's very patient with me. No matter how moody I get. Thank you dear. :)

I'm getting bored of teaching tuition. :S It leaves my mornings free and I usually just slack or sleep then. Not really healthy. I wonder what I can do to make my mornings filled. Doing housework and cooking... Doesn't really thrill me. In fact it's boring me even more..... YIKES.

Tmr... I've only one student to teach. Actually wednesday's my free day. Which means I have no students to teach. But the student rescheduled. So I have to teach. Which is fine by me. Cos i'll have something to do. Lol. Rather than mopping the house or cooking or vacuuming. Gaah. I sound like a maid.

Okay! Think i'm done updating. Lol. I don't have much to talk about these days. Everyday's pretty much the same. :S

Till then!

1:12 PM Monday, January 21, 2008
over new lands.
I just asked my sis about our travel plans.

And she said that if nothing goes wrong, we're going. Only the 3 of us. I'm looking forward to that. :) I wanna see how it feels like travelling w/o your parents.
But thing is.. I don't know if mum and dad will allow. I think they're scared my sisters will bring me out clubbing when we travel. Haha! Well, parents have the right to worry i guess. But i hope things go as we have planned. Then we can start saving and go further. That ought to be fun. And maybe when my cousins get a little older, she can follow.

Guess i better start saving for March!

Till then. :)

1:14 AM
wherever we go.
Hello people.

Just got back from JB. Mum wanted to have lunch there. Ended up just driving around there and having dinner in JB as well.

Pretty tired right now.

Last week, didn't do anything much. Just teach and on Wednesday, went to Sentosa with dear. Lol. We were tourists going for holiday at Sentosa island. Had lunch at Seah Im hawker center and ate this fried thai kway teow. Very yummy! Lol. And then we made our way to Vivocity and got on the monorail. Bumped into Ben at the MRT station actually. Coincidentally he was going off to work too.

This trip, we went to the Underwater World! It was fun. I got to see pink dolphins. Our first time seeing them. Ri hasn't been to the UWW yet so it was his first time into that tiny weeny aquarium for big big fish. There's nothing much in there actually but I think the trip turned out pretty well. :) I got round to touching the sharks and the touch pool and also the manta rays. Very very slimy! Haha. I thought dear would be scared of them. But he touched them too. Brave brave. :P

Besides that, i did nothing much. Just spend the night over at my grandma's on Friday cos my cousin from KL's returning day on Sat. Yups. Miss her cuteness already.

Hmm.. Just now while we were having a drink in JB, all of us talked about stuffs. And i realised..... that this year, i turn 19. And that, time pass by us so fast. The last time i remembered, i only entered JC. Now, waiting for results. Results are giving me nightmares, i swear. Whenever i think about them, my stomach feels like the pits. Rawr. Scared. :S

Less than a month more to results. I'm sooooo not looking/looking forward to it.

Till then.

1:33 AM Tuesday, January 15, 2008
to better days for all of us.
Woke up today feeling pretty sleepy. Slept a little late yesterday and so felt a little groggy. Cleaned the house and cooked. And then was off to teach tuition. I'm no rich man's kid so i have to do the housework and cook to help mum at home. She works late nights these days to clear her projects.

I just browsed through friendster and blogs just now. Out of boredom i guess.
I saw one of these blogs. Was very cute and sweet. Feels like her love is pouring out of the pages of her blog and well, it made me think of my love too.

And i think, how much have we gone through together?

Feels like a lot i guess. But to compare that to the infinite amount of things that we will go through together in the future, i'll just have to settle with not so much.
Talking about the future, makes people scared at times. But dear once said that to be scared about the future just makes him wanna work harder for it. And i guess i quite agree with him.

I used to be quite harsh on Ri really. Read through my past blog entries. I have one saying that we'll be nothing more but just friends and look where we are now. Haha! Ri always teases me about this. Cos i wrote that post on the day that he got enlisted. I think i've caused much grief in his life. Lol. And now, i must make up for it. Haha! Don't go asking for tag hauer okay? :P

I'm happy with ri. Really. Even with its ups and downs. At times i do feel that if i was richer, i guess it'll be better. Then we won't have to worry about budgeting or not. Yups.

My family's fine with him too. In fact, my family knew him even before we got attached. Haha! And my parents used to make fun of how he walks. I used to have problems with my sis but it's been better now. A whole lot better. :P

I guess... for every relationship, their routes are different no? Some can be really straight with few humps while others have many twists and turns and bumps on it.
But i sure hope that there'll be better days in the future for all of us.

Goodnight. :)

Till then.

1:53 AM Sunday, January 13, 2008
wash it away.
Hello people! :)

Gaah. I'm bored right now. Everytime i go online, i kinda get lost. Don't know what to do. Check friendster, check blogs, check email.... & done. Nothing else to do.

Just now just cleared some email. Mainly those chain email... and i came across emails from then. I didn't delete them. Wonder why i didn't. I felt bad. So i deleted all of them. I think it's not right for me to keep them. I don't like having them. Maybe while i was hurt, i kept them.... don't know for what. But i don't want them now. Yups.

So just now i got off the phone with Tam. She's still hasn't got a job yet. Lol. And yesterday, she smsed saying she missed school. I kinda miss school too. The people, the environment i guess. School was fun. And at least, it occupied our time well. Now that we don't have school anymore, we've ample time... sometimes too much. Gets you feeling so bored and useless at times. Thank god i have tutees to teach. Or not......... I don't know. Guess i'll be like a couch potato.

Just now went shopping with my family. I finally got a pair of birks!! Yeay. On sale. I needed new slippers/ sandals. Mum said she'll contribute half, so i'm in luck i guess. Sis bought a pair of converse sneakers. Looks pretty nice. Tmr... I'm staying at home i guess. Maybe out for breakfast and then head home. Go run in the afternoon with sis i guess? Depends on my mood. HAH!

Till then. :)

9:09 PM Wednesday, January 09, 2008
a new year.
Hello people.

Nothing much to update.

Just wanna wish all muslims.. Salam ma`al hijrah.

It's a new year for us. :)

Till then!

10:15 PM Tuesday, January 08, 2008
no matter what.
Hi people,

Sorry about the last two posts. Things weren't going so well for me.

I'm feeling better today. Yesterday, I woke up still feeling down and it kind of dragged into the rest of the day. After returning from tuition, no one was at home. That's when i felt so empty, so off. And bored. Even when dear called, I wasn't really listening much. I'm sorry dear.

But i called dear again soon after. And we talked about our situation again. And after yesterday night, i felt so much better. Things were getting a little strained lately but I think i might have worried too much. Situations like these doesn't mean that it'll break us. Yups. I should always remind myself of how much love we have for each other than other things.

Thank you shannon for you prayer. I'm very touched. And i'll pray for your happiness, my dear. :)

Tmr i have an early tuition slot so.. i'll rest early today i guess. Tam's coming over tmr too! She wanna watch witch yoo hee. That drama's so cute! Lol.

Okay, i best be off.

Rawr... I miss ri sooo much. :(

But i'm okay. I'll be strong. :D

Till then.

12:32 PM Monday, January 07, 2008
a little shaky.
I feel like i'm a huge disappointment.

When i'm supposed to be consoling, what am i doing?

I still have a lot to learn.

Ahh.. I still have tuition to teach later. Better not let whatever happened yesterday affect my mood. I have to think about my students.

But heck. I'm really not in a healthy mood today.

But i should let it go i guess. It's not gonna be healthy for us.

Why am i still feeling so terrible even after we've talked it out?
I think i worry too much.

Come on dini, leave it. He said no pressure, i'm doing it just fine.

But i think otherwise. He's always there. I don't think i appreciate him enough.

But you're a happiness maker.

I don't know. Am i worthy of that title?

11:03 PM Sunday, January 06, 2008
a little tense.
Spending time with my family was fun.

Coincidentally, ri's family was there.

I'm tired.

i don't feel too good.

i wanna sleep.

and just for tonight, please let me have a dreamless sleep.
I just wanna sleep.


10:49 PM Thursday, January 03, 2008
Hello all!

Yesterday I spent the whole day cleaning up the house well and after that headed to my grandma's place to sleepover cos my youngest cousin from KL's there for a few weeks. She's sooo cute! She talks a lot for a 2 year old kid and she's pretty smart. If she wants to watch Barney, she just switches on the dvd player and press play all by herself. She's just tooooo cute. When i wanted to leave my grandma's place, she was crying cos she wanted to follow me.
She loves to go out. I think if she grows up, she can be my shopping kaki. Haha!

Face all powdered up and pretty.

She's like a princess. So pretty!

Grandma bought her a pair of crocs!
Now, how fair is that?! haaaa.

Right now i'm bored to death at home. Mom's still not back from work and Dad went to pick her up. Sis's in camp. Sec 1 Orientation Camp. Went to her Meet the Parents session just now. She was soooo noisy when i dropped by to say hello. Lol. Seems like she's doing fine. Tomorrow she's gonna be home. Better enjoy the peaceful atmosphere at home while i can. Haha! She talks 24-7 and expects me to listen to her all the time. This camp is a breather for me. Lol.

Just now, i went out to BBDC. Finally registered le!! Haha. Went with ri. BTT is on the 2nd.... of April. -_- So we registered as private student. Rawr. It took us a dreadful 2 hours. I had to cancel tuition in the end. Cos i already waited 1 hr and was not willing to come another day and suffer in there. Ri and I were sooo bored, we went to the Home Team NS place beside the BBDC to kill time. When we returned, the queue number only jumped by a few slots. PATHETIC.

So we were darn bored and took pics. I think.... I could have gone and teach tuition and still can make it on time back for my queue number. Terrible service. Owh wells. What's done is done as mum said. Cos of the slow service, I had to postpone tuition to next week. I hope the student's mum is not angry. :S

Tomorrow... I have 3 students to teach. Kavs asked me to come to TWSS for the sec 1 orientation camp. I miss going back to camps and bossing people around. Thing is I only end at 9.30 at night. GAWD. So late. Owh wells. Trying to earn money is not an easy thing for SOME people i guess. SOME people just have to work 10 days a month and still earn more than me. Right inspector? Haha. :P

Well, we camwhored just now. Haha! Ri looks so cute & silly. :PPPPP

I was teaching him how to pout.
Now he pouts better than I do.
Arilina JOLIE! HAHA!

I look so murderous here. Haha! Gawsh.

Well, i best be off. Wanna rest now. Yesterday didn't sleep well. Today i think i'll sleep like a pig. I'm off.

Till then!

4:32 PM Wednesday, January 02, 2008
I spent the last minutes of 2007 at my Aunt & Uncle's Place. Had the countdown with the family. It was so noisy and all but the feeling was great. Time spent with family is precious and there is no better way to spend the last minute of the year with my family. Not that i mean spending time with dear isn't great. That would be a bonus. Lol.

The past year has been a year full of so many challenges. I think i cried buckets this year, while going through A's cos at times you just have to cry to make yourself feel better, to purge all the frustration, anger, dissapointment out. But this year has made me stronger too. This year has found me many more great friends and this year has found me a special someone.

The past year has mainly been about balance in my life. About being able to juggle time well here and there. About listening more to my parent's advice, no matter how much i disagree with them. About giving in at times, cos you never know when fate gives in to you in the future. About understanding others, cos understanding is a two way street. About sacrifice, cos what you give away now might come back to you twice more.

I haven't had much time to go out with my friends in 2007 cos of A's so i apologize for that.

At one point of time, i was pretty absorbed in school and spending time with ri that i almost forgot my family. I think i spent too much time outside that my family felt that i was neglecting them. I'm so sorry mum, dad and sis'. I seek to improve myself. Thank you for your advice mum. I know you care for me and I should have taken into consideration your feelings. I'm grateful that you guys are very supportive of me and even when ri entered my life, i'm glad that you're supportive of us. 2007 made me realise how important family time is for me too. How my family is so caring and loving despite their weirdness at times.Both my family and ri are important in my life. I wouldn't want anything to jeopardize my relationship with both of them.

I have many resolutions, but the main things is basically to keep on improving myself. I have no idea what this year would bring me, but I wanna try my best at everything. Give my best in my family, my friends and my dear.

I hope 2008 is would be a better year for all of us. Take care all!

Till then.

4:23 AM Tuesday, January 01, 2008
adios 2007, hello 2008!
Farewell 2007, Heloooooo 2008!


I wanna thank everyone who has made a difference in my life in this meaningful year full of joys and laughter, sorrow and tears.


My family,
my pillar of strength,
my joy,
my hope,
my everything.
I can't live without your care and concern Mum, Dad, Sisters, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins.
I love you all.

My Grrlfrens,
The girls who have always have been there,
to gossip or just simply to share my worries.
Ika, Qila, Yana, Faradee, Fana. I can never thank you enough. We'll still be grrlfrens till forever right? :) I miss you girls already.

My S19 Classmates,
The people whom i spent much of the past 2 years with.
The people whom i treasure for they are so warm and kind.
Generous with their knowledge and always fun to joke around with.
Esp the girls of S19. Who are very close with each other. Tammy, Ah ma, Shannon, Yixiang, Liyun, Si jie, Jun, Yue Yun, Sharon, Eugenia. At times when times are tough in school, you girls make it more bearable to pull through it all. The guys have been great too. Chin Chian, thank you for the rides home together from school. The journey always seems shorter when i have my PW leader as company. Haha! :)

My JJC close mates & teachers,
Lala, thanks for being there when i need you.
Ee, thanks for being so encouraging and supportive in TKD.
Miss Lim, thanks for your advice. No matter how troublesome i may get, you never lose faith in me and always advice me.
All the other teachers, thank you for your guidance and you're all so fabulous.

My AJC PAE close mates,
Sorry for not being able to make it to the recent meeting.
Farhana, Aqilah, Hilyah, Mun. Meet up soon too okay?

My Ex-Twss close mates,
esp Kavee who has been my listening year when I was going through a confusing patch

My Friends
Others whom i know but not mentioned here but has affected my life in one way or another.

Not forgetting my DEAR...
who has been such a sweet and loving soul,
always patient with me,
always so generous in his love, care and concern,
and whom i love so dearly.

Happy New Year to all!

And thank you, sincerely from the bottom of my heart for making 2007 another great year.

Happy Hols!

Till then.

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a disclaimer.

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