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11:26 PM Sunday, December 30, 2007
Hello people! :)

Finally got to update. On Saturday family together with me and dear went to Malaysia. Had to wake up real early cos had to pass the customs before 7 am. Picked dear up from his house and then set off for JB to have breakfast. Lol. When we reached the causeway..... there was a jam! And it was already 6.20 i think. We were darn nervous cos if we were still on Singapore road after 7, we'd get fined.

Fortunately, we managed to pass the customs before 7. Phew. So we met my parent's friends at Singgah Selalu and had breakfast. After that, my family set off for Tangkak. Mum said we weren't headed for KL cos my dad has to work the next day. So we're just off to Tangkak to see what they have there and to see Mt. Ophir (Gunung Ledang).

There was nothing much at Tangkak really. Just shops selling cloth for people to sew. My family each bought some for next year's Hari Raya. Yups. Quite nice. I got myself turquoise lace. Quite nice. :)

Then after Tangkak, we headed to Mt. Ophir. We hiked all the way to the highest point permissible for public. The waterfall was nice and the water was cold. But... the place was really dirty. Not managed well by the people there. Terrible. Plus.. the hike wasn't that enjoyable cos this was a last minute thing and thus we weren't in the right gear. Furthermore, we didn't get to dip in the waters cos we didn't bring any extra clothes. Just our luck. Haha!

We headed to Malacca after the hike and shopped. Got myself a Roxy Pencil Case. Cos there was a 50% off on 2nd item purchased. Thanks to my sis, i got that cos she begged my dad for a new Roxy sweater. Which she got, without much begging done. Haha! Lucky her.

The trip was kinda miserable at first. But i think it got better. :) And i'm so happy that mum asked dear along. She must have been in a good mood. Lol. I'm thankful for the trip though. It was pretty fun.

my sis and i.

my cool dad and i.

sisters with dad.

the romantic couple + my busybody sister. lol.

sis, dear & i. (dear looks blur)

us 3 in front of the maritime museum.

just you & i! :)

Right now.. I'm feeling pretty sleepy. I slept pretty much during the trip but am still feeling tired. Lol. Tmr... I think i'll be heading to my grandparent's place in the morning. Cos i have to teach in the afternoon. I think next week's schedule will be pretty hectic for me. I have to work on mon, wed - fri. If KSS doesn't call in for relief teaching, i'll be free on wed, sat and sun only. SO people, if you wanna call me up for a date,you know what days i'm free. Lol!

Okays.. i best be off. Take care everyone!

Till then. :)

6:03 PM Thursday, December 27, 2007
money can't buy me happiness.
Yesterday was a loooong day out.

I first met up with Lala and then we went to search for Yas' birthdat present. She had a few choices so we went to several shopping centres before settling on a small crumpler bag for him. Happy 18th Birthday Ilyas! Wishing you all the best in your future endeavours.

Laa and I parted at orchard as I had to meet my grrlfrens. Yana is back in Singapore for a few days and we managed to "date" our dear grrlfren. I soooo miss her. She was beautifully tanned and well, though she has adopted an Aussie accent, deep inside she's still our dear Yana. She's flying off this Saturday. Sadly, I won't be able to send her off as i'm off to Malaysia.... yet again. Have a safe flight back my dear!!

Oh yeah.. The grrlfrens met at vivo first so we had our lunch before heading off to the monorail station. Then we stopped at Imbiah station and went for the Skyride and Luge. The skyride was pretty thrilling cos it was ascending up a slope and i kinda have vertigo. :S Ben was there. Azureen was there too. Haha! I took the skyride with Ben and Aqilah. When it was our turn, the camera didn't snap our pretty little faces.

Next was the Luge. It's something like a Go-Kart ride except that it isn't controlled by the pedals. It was pretty cool! Went downhill! Weeeeee.... All in all, I had fun with my grrlfrens.

It's been 2 years since i left secondary school. My grrlfrens have been great! We'll meet soon okay? :)

Today I had to wake up early cos I had to teach tuition. Then I met dear for breakfast. Was our lucky day i guess. He accompanies me and sister to get her school books. Helped us carry it all the way to under our block. Lol. Thank god for him or not i have to carry it all the way home. :P

Well... I got an advanced from dad since he said he got his pay today. Haha! I'm off to go shop. Yeay!

Till then.

10:01 PM Tuesday, December 25, 2007
xmas gift xchange. :)
Merry Xmas to all those who are celebrating it! :)

Hi people... I just kinda woke up from a nap. Was very tired cos i had to wake up early and attend an "akad-nikah" session cos my dad was the witness for that ceremony. The ceremony turned out well and i wish the new bride and groom well on their journey together as husband and wife. :)

The ceremony was simple and it was held in the decorated void-deck cos the house was too squeezy. Yups. My relative's bride is a chinese so it was messy at first cos the adults had to try and accomodate both families. Aunt Hani's (the bride) family was there with her and they were quite lost but then they were really nice and followed the normal customs of a malay wedding.

The food was okay and the place was simply done up. There was a live band too. Haha! I guess it's more economical cos my relative paid quite a reasonable price for the void-deck wedding. Guess they have to save up for the wedding dinner at the hotel which costs like a bomb to them.

The night before, S19 had an xmas gift xchange meet up. It was darn fun! I think they went overnight but i had to go home early cos of the wedding (not mine please!). I really really love S19. No matter how crappy we all get. We had dinner at Rocky Master. The food was so-so. At least it was edible. Lol. For the gift xchange, I gave Jun Hao a Fila shirt and received Body Shop kit from Rudy. :) Nice nice. Haha! Dear tam had to go off early so we sent her off at the mrt station while Mike sent her to the airport. That lucky lady is off to Italy for 9 days. LUCKY HER!

So we went to slack around at One Fullerton and well... just crapped i guess. Some went home soon after and the rest waited for my parents to arrive before they went some place else. Thanks S19 for the wonderful time. We'll meet soon yeah? Love you guys! :)

Tmr... I have to help my dear Lala get her present for her hubby and then after that i'll meet up with my grrlfrens. I think we're gonna take the sky ride and luge ride. Ought to be fun! Right now... I'm off to catch up with some reading and rest early. Needa wake up early to clean up the house before i go out. I'm a part-time maid after all. Lol.

Till then. :)

i miss you!

11:58 PM Sunday, December 23, 2007
My relatives are at the zoo!

Ahhh.. Feels good that the laptop can be used again. Yeay!

I've been fine these days. Trying my best to balance things. Just like a ballerina doing a tight rope walk. Balancing my family, my friends, my dear, and time for myself. People need time for themselves too you know. Just to think. Yups! I've been up to quite a few stuffs lately. Holiday, Party, Chalet, Zoo! :)

Holiday to port dickson was fun. We did a lot of stuffs there. From swimming to volleyball to star gazing to table tennis to go-karting to archery! Star gazing was beautiful. Singapore's too bright to see stars easily. In malaysia, the stars were all over the sky. One of god's greatest gifts. Best part of star gazing was the shooting stars!! We waited for 30 mins for one of them. The feeling is undescribable. Just too amazing.. Rendered me speechless. I wished dear was there to see them with me. But having the cousins with me was nice too. They were darn cute. We were soo excited that we almost wanted to sleep outside our teepee tent.

I forgot to mention that our hotel was actually a teepee tent. Very comfy place to stay in. The toilet though is not covered. Haha! Open concept. So in the morning, you can bathe while enjoying the sunshine. Lol.

Volleyball was fun too. Cos the aunts and uncles also participated. Unfortunately, our ball got punctured by the cactus that was there. Haha! And the second ball that we used..... Landed up on a tree thanks to my uncle. HILARIOUS!

Before PD, i went to Fana's birthday party and S19's class chalet. Both were great. I miss all my grrlfrens and the S19 peeps. Took all the photos from Shannon's blog. There's loads of it there. Go ahead and see them there. :)

Fana's birthday party was great.. The rain made it kinda hard to move around but still it was nice to meet up with the grrls. Food was nice.... ESP THE CAKE! Qila had several helpings mind you. Ri was there too. I asked him to accompany me there after i asked fana's permission. Lol. My dear was well-behaved. :) He became the cameraman for us. Thank you. Lol!

Chalet was......... EXTRA AWESOME! I love S19. The place was pretty spooky. Everyone slept in one room though we had 4. Lol. But even with one room, ERICA went to make it scary for us girls with his Old England tale about the 13 people in the room. That made it enough for us to wake up from our sleep and switch on the lights. But still it was fun to spend time with my classmates. We had bbq and we played mahjong. Hey! I can play mahjong too kay! Don't play play. Haha!

After PD.... I did nothing much. Just taught tuition, met ri once in a while and spent more time with my family. Like honestly i do. Hari Raya Haji was a simple affair.. Slept over two days before hari raya to help grandma with her cooking. I love being with grandma. She's very jolly and kind and caring. When i grow old, i wanna be as caring to my grandchildren like my grandma. I love you grandma! And i love my grandpa too! :)

The Saturday after Hari Raya Haji, i went to the zoo with dear! Spend the whole day at the zoo with him. It was awesome, as always. The senior minister was there too. And i was in his way cos i was figuring how to get to KFC in there. Lol! I specially woke up to cook for him and cos i forgot to thaw some ingredients earlier, i ended up meeting him late. Sorry dear! :) Thank god the earlier part of the day was sunny cos we managed to cover the whole zoo! I had a great day with Ri. Thank you for allowing me to visit my relatives there! HAH! Hmm.. No pics for now cos everything's in his cam. Iyups! Soon! :)

this was taken before our haircut! haha.

During the zoo trip, dear told me something shocking. Hmm.. For now, let's just wait and see kay? I've still got my A level results to wait for. We'll just take it one step at a time... Like we always have. :)

I'm off for now. I'll blog soon. Tmr... I'm meeting my AJC and S19! I hope it'll be fun.

Till then! :)

3:15 AM Saturday, December 08, 2007
through fat, thick and thin.
Hello peeps.

So today i had to teach tuition. Mondays and Fridays are tuition days, see. So now... I have 4 students. Which is fine by me. Wonder if i'll get any call for relief teaching. Got the approval letter through email. Called several schools... well, only 2 actually. Haha.

So today.. i was feeling better. My mood was fine. It got a little rotten at night. Cos i was frustrated by how messy things were, how nothing was confirmed. I vented my anger on ri. I'm so sorry dear. Maybe it was karma... cos i got a fever after that and had to take panadol and rest at aunt's place before i got better.

Whole night was full of nagging. My mum's nagging. Or her so called advice session with my cousin. I hope things go well for my cousin. People make mistakes. Who knows... in the future, if she decides to turn over a new leaf, she'll be better than anyone of us? It's possible.

So tmr... nothing planned. BORED. Sunday... I think i have breakfast with Mak long's family. Then, meeting ri. :) miss you!

Hmm.. Things are getting pretty rocky. But i hope we'll stay strong. And i hope you can put up with me... especially at times when my mood goes 360 degrees. I have decided not to fret on it anymore. Just take it head on! And be strong, together. We'll just go by their game. Go by their game plan and live with it till we're capable and able of drawing out one ourselves and stick to ours later. Cos they're our parents after all and they have our best interests at heart. Mum says Family comes first. Yups. Maybe... whatever we go through now, will help us face greater challenges in the future. Insyallah.

Next week... will be a busy week. Yups. I'm going for chalet and then off to Port Dickson. Maybe i shall take that time to destress? I can try, even though we're not contactable.

TIll then. :)

11:26 PM Thursday, December 06, 2007
The case of bad moods.
My mood is just so rotten.

12:40 AM
what else do you want me to do?
I've never been rebellious with you.
I don't understand what you want from me.
I'm trying to find balance.
Can i at least get some time to adjust myself?
You think i meet him often.
Then you ask what i think.
I said that i think we don't really do.
I already said, at most 3 times a week if we're lucky.
Would it be satisfying for you if i meet him one a month?
How about once a year?
You like seeing me sad, suffering right?
Maybe you all do.
It's not as if i don't compromise with you all.
I seek permission everytime.
I always said if you don't allow, i won't go.
What else do you want from me?
I'm 18, not 8.
I don't get what you want.
You all make me confused.
You all make me so frustrated.
What will make you all satisfied?

Nothing is ever enough.

12:11 AM Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Today's run is unfortunately cut short as i wasn't feeling well after my dinner started to make it's way up my oesophagus. Nice. But I didn't vomit though. Thank god.

But we improved right dear? haha! So sorry about the run just now. We ran all the way to the end. And walked back. While we walked back, we talked. I like spending time just talking and walking under the stars. Gives me this sense of calmness and happiness. :)

Right now, am feeling pretty tired. I didn't slack the day off okay? Did house work. I hanged the laundry, folded clothes, vacuumed, mopped. Phew! Super tiring. But it's all done so tomorrow i can head to grandp's place without feeling guilty about not keeping the house clean.

Anyway, HAPPY 6th DEAR!

many loves.

till then!

1:16 PM Tuesday, December 04, 2007
I miss the people whom i spent time a lot with in school.

12:08 AM
silly dini and her adventures in beepee.
Today's the first tuition session with my dear students. One's primary 5 and the other's primary 6. Suhaidi's in pri 5 while Nastain's in pri 6.

After such a long time not teaching tuition, it was pretty nice to teach again. maybe i have a knack for teaching? This was the first time i taught little boys so i had to get used to it. All my previous students were little girls. Lol.

I was almost late for the first tuition and thing was, i didn't know how to get there. So i flagged a cab and made my way there. Turns out, the place was beside my aunt's block. Gosh. So paiseh. Haha. But now i know, there's no more not knowing how to get there.

My second student's place was not far. Just cross the road and walk down a bit. But i read the block wrongly & went in search of a non-existent block in that area and got myself lost. -_- Thank god i checked the block number again and turns out, i passed that block 2 times already. How silly can i get? Hah!

After tuition, i made my way to BP Plaza and met dear. There was something wrong with his eyes. It kept tearing. worry. I think he fell asleep cos he's too tired from training. Well, at least we got to meet no? We can't really meet that often cos mum will complain and say i go out too often. Which i don't. Really, she ought to live with kids who have bfs and go out everyday to meet them. Honestly, usually i only get to meet dear once a week. Or if we're lucky, the most is 3 times a week. But times are tough, and he has training while i have mum. Haha! Not that i don't love my mum. I do. I'm trying to balance here mum. Only if you could see how hard ri & i am trying here.

I'll be away on Wednesday and Thursday. Off to grandp's. To improve on my religious studies which i have been neglecting much. I feel guilty and for that i wanna try my hardest in catching up with it. Insyallah.

I'm am grateful, Allah, for all the things
you've given me in life....
Family, Friends, Health, Wealth, Happiness... and Love.

Till then! :)

9:55 PM Sunday, December 02, 2007
OMG, bored to death.
For the past two days, i stayed at home. Good girl. Lol. Cleaned up the house and helped around. Tomorrow, still need to vacuum, mop and iron clothes. Will trrrrryyyy to be more helpful with the housework. lol.

Besides that, i've been doing nothing much except reading and going online and watching tv. Gosh, i swear i'm bored and i feel soooooo restless at times. Nvm. Tomorrow i start teaching tuition and then can meet ri. On tuesday, we'll start training for out 10 km run. Slow and steady wins the race right dear? Haha.

I hope after i'm back from hols, i get a job soon. Then i won't have to face these four walls everyday. It gets even more boring by the minute really. I need something to do, something outside the house that won't make me turn into a couch potato.

Maybe i should plan. Plan for things to do... Like a secondary school class reunion. I haven't met up with my PAE friends either. Plan.... for things in the future? Maybe.

Currently, i'm on AG. American Gods by Neil Gaiman. It's a good book really. Unexpected twists here and there. It's a fresh read really. As in.. refreshing. Ya. After AG, i still have 4 other books waiting. Good. Now that i have time to read, i will. Lol.

So okay, i best be off. :)

Till then.

and i don't want to ask for much,
only for you.
by my side.

2:12 AM Saturday, December 01, 2007
movie marathon!
Been away at my grandparent's place at woodlands since yesterday. Slept over for one night and now, am back in the comforts of my own bedroom.

Yesterday managed to meet Tammy, Sijie and Tammy's friends and things went smoothly. Funny things occur here and there. Overall, things were well. Had lunch at Shaw and then headed to Nyai's house. Ri was out from camp early so i managed to meet him on the train. Smart guy boarded the train while i was alighting it, so i was a little cross about it but, haha, since i knew how silly he can get, wasn't really affected by it. He made his way back to Clementi and I met my younger sis and made my way to Grand's place.

Over at grand's, we helped with the housework and then i fell asleep cos was pretty tired. Woke up to a few smses and was waiting for my CHSH to reply. Knew he was tired, so i was okay about it. He thought i was angry, i think. Haha! No la. Why would i be angry over such a small thing?

So at night, grandpa wanted to pick Siti up from school cos she has a band event till 10 pm. Ended up we toured around orchard in the lorry and had supper at railway. Met mum and dad there and after supper, parted for our own destinations.

Was pretty tired so i woke up a little late. Grandma wanted to go window shopping so we headed to Causeway and went around. Granny bought us some stuffs and we had lunch and BOON-QUET as granny pronounces it. Lol.

Ri made his way to Granny's and we left for JE to have our movie marathon. Watched City of Angels. It's NICE! It's not a tear jerker but the movie is definitely very touching. I love it. Funny thing was, we left our monster plug and Gran's and forgot to bring a double pin head. But things still worked out well. Alhamdullilah.

Headed back to Gran's for late dinner. Lol. My cousins wiped out most of the chickens my grandma cooked for Soto Ayam and so we had the leftovers. Still, it was nice.

Right now, i'm feeling a little sleepy, a little hungry and in little pain.
Best solution..... SLEEP.


till then. :)

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