5:13 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
happy hari raya 2007!
Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf Zahir & Batin to all my muslim friends celebrating hari raya! :)
Raya has been pretty okay. But for now, A's comes first. So mugging, here i come! I won't be going out for raya outings this year. Yups. I decided that i won't. I'll forego it and focus. Two more weeks left and then A's starts. And a month from then, i'll be FREE! Look forward to the 21st of November. All planned. Breakfast. :)

All the best to those mugging! Many loves.
1:19 AM
Friday, October 05, 2007
post prelims.
Came to realise today that this is my 102nd post! Blogging has really come a long way for me, somehow. Some day, i'll be able to read through my old posts and realise how much things have/have not changed. :) For now, i'll stick to plain blogging mode. Lol.
Today's the 5th. :) Having a dental appt today which means that i've to miss school. Since school ends at 11am, beats returning to school after the dental appt. After such a long time, i decided to go running! Haha. Can't remember the last time i ran. I think i ran around 3 km. Not much. Slowly la kay. Next time, can train for half marathon, i guess! Hee.
Hmm. Didn't do well for prelims at all. Didn't really expect myself to flung Physics really. Was already making constant progress and now, it plummeted again. Felt kinda demoralised but i have to pick up the pieces and get going again. Passed the other subjects. Moderate passes. Which is totally bad. Everyday, have to constantly remind myself to keep trying, that until i give up, there's no end to the road. No end. Insyallah, i'll do fine.
I feel broke recently. Been spending money for raya stuff and also chipped in to pay for prom. Yups! I'm going for prom. Wonder if it'll be as fun as secondary school days. Right now, i'd rather not feel excited about it yet. Wait till 20th November! Last paper. Last paper. Hmm. Hari raya's next week. Time flies pretty fast this year. Next time we realise, exams will be starting. This year... mood for raya is not really there. Guess it's cos of A's. It's okay. I'm fine with this. :)
woookeys, gtg now. Bed time! beautiful dreams.
layout: steal teal
resolution: 1440x900
browser: mozilla firefox
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