9:53 PM
Saturday, June 23, 2007
people think vs the real thing.
I just got back home from a spending a day out with the cousins from the paternal side. It started off about on the down side, you know, the usual morning moodiness and stuff. Managed to catch fantastic four before term starts and well, the kids enjoyed it. Oh yeah. I forgot to mention the part about having to babysit my little cousins cos i happen to be the eldest there. Lol. But there weren't hard to manage. They're after all close to teenagers anyway. Last time i remembered, they were still in lower primary. Lol.

Movie was alright. Nothing too exhilirating and nothing too mundane. Look forward to watching transformers next week with ri. Movie trailer looks promising. Plus plus the guy who acts in even stevens is in the main cast! Wonder how he will be able to carry such a different role from the usual geek stuff on disney channel.
Saw yu ting and zhen yang on the train ride to Bugis! So happy. Been ages ago since i met them and somehow, had a flashback to good old secondary school times. I miss the twss life then. Bugis was flooded. You had to squeeze through the crowd just to make it to the other side. Gawd. Superbly exhausting. Almost got myself a pair of sneakers. Unfortunately, none of my size left. Dissapointing. The other cousins were looking for their own stuffs and me, i was just wondering around. Felt a little clueless cos the crowd and heat was overwhelming. In the end, i came home with a new shirt, and okay, am satisfied enough for the day.
Hmm.. I can't help but notice that lately, i've been feeling extremely moody and all. No clue as to what makes me feel this way. School's starting in a day's time. That ought to lift my spirits up! Lol. I hope. Sometimes, the feeling of being busy makes you think less of other stuff. Thing is, i'm not going through any rough patches or anything but i can't help feeling weary and all. Gah. Could be the weather. Owh wells. I've got naughty kittens to attend to now.
Till then! :)
2:08 PM
Friday, June 22, 2007
Suddenly, i miss blogging at blogger. Lol. :)
I've been away from this blog since god knows when and well, i'm back again! Yeay. Blogger's being nice. Last time i tried to blog, the icons were all over but today, it's been pretty fine so far.
Loads of stuff have been happening around lately since my last updated blog and i can say that i've been fine. Am just done with the last paper for the common test and well, i think i know how i fare for each test. Most are bad. Really. The papers were way tougher than i expected and well, i've got nothing left to do now but await the results and study harder i guess for the upcoming prelims.
School's opening on Monday. Kinda look forward to it even though i know that those days of resting at home will be done with. Hah. Come to think of it, A's are in 4 months and A's end in 5 months time. So well, not much time left there to fool around.
Right. I'm off to get some beauty rest, for all you know, right now i look wrecked from all those revision.
Till then! :)
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