8:58 PM
Monday, April 30, 2007
whatever happened to forever?
As honest as i want to be, i'm not brave to speak. As when i feel that i'm happy, i see time being the foe. As when i learn to accept, the tables turn.
6:39 PM
Friday, April 27, 2007
i deserve at least, my own happiness.
9:50 PM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
just keep swimming!
I am so so so so tired. First intention was to finish the workload that's piling but fatigue won. I stared at it even more, and ended up switching on little acey and updating this blog.
Life's a little crazy. and VERY VERY UNPREDICTABLE.
Unpredictable in the context that my performance for the exams has been fluctuating. Totally random and all. Dang. I hate this uncertain feeling on how i'll for a certain test. It just haunts me in my sleep. Preparation for tests are even worst. I bet i actually dreamt of trying to solve a physics question and lifted my hand subconsciously to solve the freaking question using the Fleming's Left Hand Rule! Haha! This is absolutely crazy. Studies is haunting my peaceful sleep! Haha.
Life's a little warm. :)
I miss my dear grrlfrens. I bet it's been like a few months since i met them to share stories. I can't wait to see and listen to all their stories. Recently met fana to get some important stuffs. And i must say! She looks pretty and fine. And she kept wanting to buy everything that we saw! lol. But they were pretty nice. We bumped into these clowns who asked us to draw some stuffs to claim from the lucky draw but we figured that there must be some trick to it. Lol. Funny.

It's nice having someone you know you can always talk to if you have problems. Being someone who never fails to muddle herself easily with many problems, i just can't help thanking you enough. You've been a dear really. Encouraging me to just stay strong and telling me that i can do it for my tests. I know i'm not such an easy friend. I like to bully a lot. Lol. You're just great companion to talk to, as gay as you can be. Haha! Adhering to all my pep talk, being the motivator, and simply being there to be listening ear for me! Give me a Y, E, A, Y....Yeay! *deen shows spirit fingers* BASHAAAAA! :)
Life's a little fuzzy.
I've been uncertain myself as to what is going on through my thoughts. I'm so fickle and capricious that I scare myself at times. At times, i just feel fine about some stuff and the next thing i know, i change my thoughts so drastically. What's up with this head of mine? It's all so fuzzy up there. Even feelings are so random. I just can't figure myself out. Gosh.
Sometimes, i just need to coax myself. Sometimes, i just need to see that there is more to that fall. Sometimes, i just need to learn to stay stronger. Sometimes, i just need to cherish what i have. Sometimes, i just need to accept things as they are. Sometimes, i just need to push myself that extra mile. Sometimes, i just need to keep moving on.
Life's to accept failures and learn from them. Life's to smile at challenges and overcome them. Life.
5:11 PM
Thursday, April 05, 2007
after a long hiatus.
Apparently, i had decided to start my first post, after such a long time, with a melodramatic opening but i decided otherwise. It would be too much for all of you to take even so. Haha. And so, after all those relentless excuses of not updating my blog, i have decided to once again undulge in a little bit of blogging. Sincerely, i do miss blogging but workload has been overwhelming and it has turned from an enjoyment to a bane.
Needless to say, school has been wonderfully horrendous. My life has been turned to complete chaos. No matter how much i try, i'm always not there yet. Progress report 2 has been the worst. Worst in the history of results from my nursery education all the way to now. It was worse than my worst nightmare. I don't know what went wrong. It could be my approach. Everyone's so competitive, you simply just can't rest your laurels. Especially now. Some say there's still time. Teachers say otherwise.
It's gets heavier and heavier everyday really. Now i know why some people prefer the other route. At times, there's a glint of regret. But all i can do now is make the best out of my own decision. I'm not depressed or anything here, just a little frustrated with yours truly for always panicking during exams or tests. Grrrrrrrrrr.
Imagine, tests, everyweek for the next 3 weeks. A level practical exams. I wished i was much stronger in the mind to endure all this weight! Hmmph. I must tell myself that i can do it. BASHAAAA!
I think school's pretty cool sometimes though. SOMETIMES. My gp teacher is simply awesome. She has this sort of mystifying power to engage us people during class. For once. Haha. Unlike chem, Ms lim tries hard but she isn't so capable of grabbing our attention like Ms Toh is able to. That's why i think gp is cool now. Teachers play a significant part in influencing us to do better in our subjects no? I think teachers should be trained to share a camaraderie with their students. As in, yes, there should be mutual understanding and acknowledgement of who's the teacher but it shouldn't be a barrier for students to not try to reach to the teacher. I think it helps a lot with our willingness to participate in class.
Oh yeah, my econs class is like an episode of either the game risk, who wants to be a millionaire or some other gameshow. Sadly, I think the games are not effective enough as we're wasting more tutorial time. The objective of the game which is to understand the concepts better is not attained cos some of my classmates just want to win. So yeah, sometimes its okay to liven up the mood of the class with games but, it's better if he didn't overdo it. LOL!
Hmm...It's kinda weird how you always think so highly of someone and suddenly, plop!, down goes all those admiration into the drain. My school's hod of maths is so fake. Truly, now i think what the seniors said were true. He thrives by faking. Urgh, i'm disgusted. Adults these days are becoming so weird i guess. Him, my ct and also this old man who boarded the bus and stuck out his stupid tongue. How asinine. I don't know what the world has come to. HAHA!
I think i have indulged enough in blogging for now. Expect the next entry when the next holidays come or don't expect any entries at all! Haha. So yeah, after an extremely long hiatus, i'm going for another one.
I'd like to wish my lovely grrlfrens an early birthday wish.
I love you grrls so dearly! Happy 18th birthday! :) You're so much more legal now. haha! Can buy 4D olready yes?
Till then, dini rahim.
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