9:34 PM
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
There is a tide in the affairs of men Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea we are now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures.
7:18 PM
Monday, February 12, 2007
I`ll be on
I need a vacation to an isolated island. So no one can find me.
So i can find peace.
Won't promise that i`ll be back so soon.
Got a whole lot of stuff dying for my attention.
8:10 PM
Thursday, February 08, 2007
classroom antics and og30.
This week has been a hectic never-ending series of fortunate/unfortunate events. To think, time passed so fast that people are leaving us. As said by me, friends come and go but it's an evitable episode of life you have to deal with. I truly treasure the past month and i feel truly blessed getting to know this bunch of people who are simply caring, humorous and nice. My heart goes out to you, og30. All the best for your results tommorrow! :) I LOVE YOU OG30. I will miss you guys.
  06S19 has been a great class lately. So much crapping and mugging together. Been kinda noisy lately. Last year together. Better treasure the times we have. Do agree with Shannon that our class has this silent bond which attracts us tgr. I LOVE 06S19 too! =) No matter how un-enthu we might be at times, i loooove you all still. Some pictures i secretly and randomly took. 06S19 life. Lol. i just love this picture seriously. CANDID! they looked as if they were FLIRTING. lol. they weren't lah actually.  Zaidie looks like a cute cartoon character! LOL.  say hello bag! LOL. Okay, toodles. SO LONG FOR NOW.
9:13 PM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Je suis fatigue. J'ai mal partout.
Past few days have been super tiring. Love fiesta is finally OVER! Phew. We started staying back late on Thursday afternoon. And then there was a lot of last minute changes which pissed all of us off. On Fri night, the guys came over to start preparing the Roti John and filings for the subway-like sandwich we are selling for Love Fiesta. We didn't really get much sleep. Woosh. Still haven't paid back the sleeping debts. Lol.
Man. Pourquoi? Pourquoi? Pourquoi? Maths test tmr. Tres Mauvais! Shoots. And my body and brain is like almost out of it's juice and energy. I hope the test isn't so bad. Or not i`ll cry. Peut-etre! HAHA.
Aidez moi, s'il vous plait! AHHHHH.
Haha, on the other hand, i`m trying to learn french, by myself, with the aid of a book. HARD! but possible. Slowly, one step at a time. Teehee. Wish me luck!
je veux dormir!
bonne nuit. =)
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