12:48 AM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
hari raya.
kini syawal menjelang, sedih hatiku meninggalkan bulan suci ramadhan. sayu hatiku mendengar takbir di malam raya, belum tentu aku akan hidup untuk melihat ramadhan di tahun hadapan. insyallah... First and 2nd day of Hari Raya, OVER! Time passes super fast. This year, there was so much drama. I managed to wake up early for solat aidilfitri with mum and dad. Am glad! :) Can say that im tired, but for all the love and the joy of syawal, i`d gladly say that im happy. Everyone was present at Nyai's house on the first day of raya, including pok teh who changed his mind in the eleventh hour and return home to Singapore with Syahirah and Aunt Fei. That show white of mind has totally grown and she's SUPERBLY PRETTAY! I miss her olready.
my snow white ( present )
my snow white ( then ) Yea! we are family! 
the clan of cousins and the granpas and grandma.
the makciks & pakciks. Zila came back for raya too. I can't say more to her. But i seriously do want her to change. For the benefit of everyone, including her. We used to share a lot. And we are close, maybe a little bit distant but somewhere in her, i know if she tries, she can do it. Its not about the enjoyment now Zila. Its about the enjoyment later, when you grow up to be successful, distinguished individuals and start your journey as a carrier woman or maybe something else. I've tried to reach you already. I have no idea how i am supposed to reach you anymore. At all. You want people to understand you, but its a two way street. You have to give and take. Life's not all about lepak-ing or staying out late. Its about your principles, your virtues, your family, your religion. Friends are only a minute part of your life as compared to your family. Please do think of what's best for you in the future rather than for the present which will turn into PAST in a blink of an eye and change TODAY.
people change for the better.
yes, they do. those who don't are not bad. they are just STUBBORN and IGNORANT.
It's all about the forgiving and reflections and establishing tighter bonds between family members. I've decided to take a step forward this year. Im going to meet my father. Somehow or another, i have to face it. Even if he chooses to avoid me, im looking for him to seek forgiveness, not to go asking for money from him. I have to stay firm and look for him even if it means that it is hard. I have to. He is my father after all and i have to acknowlegde him in my life.
On the brigther side though.... Today, had OGL interview! I swear it was crap-a-doodle-doo lah! haiyo. But the interview was way easier than AJC's interview. Thank god for that. Ahah. Results out tmr. Wish me all the best. Tralala. I shall head to bed. Nitey nites.
it doesn't matter who i am. it doesn't matter what i do. it doesn't matter at all. im sick of being stepped on. im sick of being played. im sick of it all. i used to be hurt. i used to indulge in self-pity. i used to do that all. BUT now it ain't the same. with or without you, life goes on.
much love,

11:16 AM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
To all..
sekiranya saya telah menyinggungkan perasaan anda masa bergurau senda ataupun terkasar bahasa, harap dimaafkan ye.. okay, time to eat kuih raya and get those greeeeen packets. harhar. AND main bunga api! yeayness.
much love, deen.
8:52 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
back to where we belong.
A few more days to hari raya!
Haven't had the mood to update this blog for the past few days. I`ve been in the busy mode ever since promos were over. Don't even have time to take a breather. Shites. I just can't wait for school to be over, really.
Guess what! I have these really old old "lampu colok" or rather known as oil lamps outside my house now! *campfire's burning now, BURN BURN BURN!* haha. but the smell.. waiyoo... cannot tahan. haha. tralalala..
Tommorrow, someone turns 17!! Yeay... My darling lala. My closest girlfriend in jc. Truly appreciate her loads and loads. Fate brought us together as orientation groupmates and we've been close since then. Love you loads darla lala! :)
Woohooo! Tmr, break fast at granny's house. Sure power. Then, together together make pineapple tarts. Yummeh. Granny's pineapple tarts are the best. Mum's chocochip cookies are heavenly! Weehee.. I feel like a cookie monster. *munch munch mucnch munch munch!*
Okay, so long peeps.
i wish i knew why im thinkin this way. maybe i should just consider.
much love, me.
2:11 AM
Saturday, October 14, 2006
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.
I miss playing the guitar a lot. =X Music is what i love to turn to when i feel down, tired or stressed out. Playing music is even better than listening to it. You just feel satisfied. Haha. I seriously need to relearn my music skills. Its so rusty the dusty. Haha.
Tralalala.. My mouth hurts from the grazing of my braces. Stooooopid. The elastics don't help either. Instead, they make the grazings WORSE. How worse can it get? Much worse. It is soooo leceh that i have to keep reminding myself that im wearing them. 6 more months to go and i sure hope its the end of the bracy journey. Haha. Ooo. I did something to my hair yes. Some say its weird, some say otherwise. Let's think positively yes. Positive Vibes! Yessa. Haha.
Less than a week more to go to raya yet not much preparations has been done. Tralala. My room is still pretty much in a mess. Poot. Well, looking on the brighter side, i managed to break fast with the lovely grrlfrens after such a loooong time. Sure releases all the stress. It feels great to meet you grrls! Swensens was awesome. Thanks yana for the pretty bag! You all are just AWESOME.

Yeay! My mp3's not gila gila anymore. Pheeew. That would really save me a lotta $$. Haha. So no more listening to songs in my phone! Nonetheless, im still tempted to buy a new mp3. One of creative's mp3 and one which has a larger capacity then my pathetic 256MB one. Haha. I feel so outdated lah using this. Hmm. But, staying to my budget's still important. Instead of buying new shoes and bags, im sticking to redecorating my room. It looks so dead and i swear i have no mood to study in it. ZILCH. So okay, shall start working on PROJECT BEDROOM soon.
I seriously can't believe this but my first day hari raya clothes is NOT ready yet. So much for buying it early. Spoil kan plan orang jer. Boohoo. Haha. Pray hard that it gets ready on time!
Okay, enough tralalas for now. Me wanna go bed as me have to wake up tmr and prepare for me OP video shooting. Haha. Gonna be a star for one whooole day! *tinkle*
much love,
11:37 PM
Monday, October 09, 2006
kavee's birthday! tralala.
And today, someone turns 17. The ultimate bro since sec school. Here's wishing you a very merry HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY!! =)
And this year, one year older. Its been great knowing you kavs. Really appreaciate your presence in my life and i thank you for understanding me and being there for me when i need you! Needless to say, you rock stones! haha. okay, i`m lame. here's wishing you all the best in your future endeavours and i hope you enjoy ur birthday bash! too bad its an all guys thingy. tralala. shall i change my gender for one night yes? haha. =P

6:02 PM
i am sick sick sicko!
teeth hurts. im on elastics now.head spinning. body aches. yeaps, u guessed right. im sick. 2 days mc and back to school. I miss school. Well. NONO. let me correct that, i miss my friends. haha. This weekends, gonna be BUSY. cos mummy just got more orders for cookies. next weekends. goona be more more more busy cos hari raya is coming! ahah. yeay babey yeay babey!
oooo. i feel sleepy. shall update later.
oh yes. NEW LAYOUT! by me. yes yes. tag please!! haha.
much love, me.
1:40 AM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
people change a lot.
a million miles i have walked. yet not one has been found.
Thus far, promos has been ouhkay. Have done my best and will try to squeeze in every each of effort for my LAST physics paper.
Im just taking a breather and while im at it, i thought of updating this blog. Just to relief my thoughts.
I had time to check out some blogs of the close ones and i cant help but say that we do really change thru time. Many of us have mellowed down. I used to recall how we were always thinking about stuffs about ourselves but never taking the time to look around and see and do something about our surroundings. Seeing something and talking about it is one thing but doing something about it is another. Cant say that im much of the latter yet but it is one of my goals that i wish to pursue later. Helping the world and making a difference in the lives of others sure beat satisfying our own needs. Besides, it does feel good to do good.
I should have to take my hats off for a few people whom i think have really made me think about things other than ourselves. Like for instance, my secondary school friends. Fana's so dedicated to her kids in the childcare. Aica's more than a friend to the kids of FH, seeing in them what we don't see in our lives. Its amazing how caring for others opens up a door for us. A door in which we tend to open our minds and hearts. Seriously girls, i admire you for doing your stuff.
Apart from that, its no doubt that someway or another everyone will change as we adapt to things in life. The life back then in secondary school turns into a big leap for everyone after we left school. Everyone has their new destination now. But im sure no one will forget the memories and the friendship, good or bad. Its something we keep to drive us to the future. just like a fuel. Its nice to know that somehow, one of us will be a teacher or a nurse or even a lawyer. Haha.
So yes. I was just thinking about the close ones. Namely, the grrlfrens. Come to think of it, i miss them dearly. I wanna meet them and hug them and say to them.. "Dearie, you're the best in the world!". Not just one, but all of them.
okay! enough crapping. soorry if i wasted your whole 5 mins if you're reading this! Do tag!
much love, dini
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