9:20 PM
Thursday, August 31, 2006
YESSA!! Joakim's finally out! He really deserves to be kicked out. Actualli he deserves to be kicked out EARLIER! ahahah. He can't sing lah for goodness sake. I think i sing better. Ahaha... NOT!
I`m prettay tired from all the walking, talking, laughing, joking......... Had a wonderful time just now. =) After the mass yoga display at JJ, went back to TWS to meet up with the old friends. Not many people came at first cos most of them thought that the concert would start late due to cross country but unfortunately, cross country was cancelled and the concert was pushed forward and i missed it. =( Furthermore, the stupid 157 bus was uber uber uber late. Haha. And by the time i reached, yu ting left olready. =( eh,I miss you lah! haha. I hope your hand's well now!
Almost everyone thinks i look different. And some... just had to rub it in by saying that i`ve grown FATTER! ahhh. shoot you. haha. But im oh so glad to meet the teachers! Ms tan's been promoted, MDM sharena's tummy has got bigger and the baby's due in november! woweee.. Mrs Tay's hair has got longer. Haha. Mdm Tong still looks round. And so does Mr Rahmat! Thank god these teachers are still in tws. or not.. there's no point in returning to tws anymore.
Guess what im doing now? PW. Guess what's next week? Holiday. NOT NOT NOT! Oklah. not so bad. i onli need to come back to school for three days so i guess its not so bad after all. So yeah. Holidays is all about the mugging BUT i shall not exhaust myself too much or not i`ll be burnt our even before promos come. Promos. During fasting month somemore. I hope it`s not so bad. But maybe there's a blessing behind it. =) Insyallah.
So yeah. I better complete my PW first. Have been procrastinating about it for way toooooooo long olready. Before that, i`ll like to say....
esp to my aunt, and my darling FANA BANANA, the cutest teacher anyone can ask for. mwahs! and not forgetting all you peeps out dere too. =) cheers!
till then, lots of love from.....

keep the tags going! =)
12:20 AM
Monday, August 28, 2006
hey dude, i cant be bothered anymore.
yessa! holidays coming soon. that means i can sleep in on mornings. its been sometime since i had the time to do so. tralalala..
the poly students, meanwhile, are now having their holies. well.. at least most of them are. next week.. teachers' day! woweee..! i cant wait to meet the classmates and the others. cant wait to see the fun lot which i used to hang around with. totally totally miss them. i hope that we can go out or something after the celebrations cos the parents gave me the green light olready! =) am am am sooooo happiee.
and and and... my birthday is coming in less than one month! wow.. time flies veri fast ya. and soon it`ll be promos. i listed down the subjects which we need to study for and its gonna be hell i tell you. say buh-bye to freedom for the next 4 weeks peeps. i tink im gonna die soon.
Went studying with tra-LALA just now at lot 1's mcd. So many mats and minahs. And i happen to see my cousin there too. I can't be bothered anymore. You wanna do what you want, you do. hmmpfs. Had the share of laughters and stories. Being around this clumsy girl is so fun. I`m your mystery lover right tralala? Lols... Wait! I forgot to mention that lala's bro is sooo uber handsome! Too bad he's 3 years my junior. Or not, i would have pounced on him. Hurhur.... NOT!
Ahaha.. Enough of all this bullshites. Wanna grab some winks.
A happy birthday to my dearest kak nini. MWAHS!
to all, don't ever forget to flash your.......

till den, chiaos! =)))
10:46 PM
Friday, August 25, 2006
hey dude, im missing ya.
I totally screwed up my physics SPA. TOTALLY.
weekend are here here here! feeling so uber tired from this week. SO DRAINED.
Ended school super late just now. Our physics teacher's like the ultimate SUCKER lah. I feel like pushing him off the eiffel tower. SO that he can experience free fall for himself. Ahaha. Evil ah dini.
ahhhhh.. tired tired tired!!!!!! Shall continue tmr.
10:03 PM
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
disappointed by the own blood.
what more can i say ya?
im just disappointed. TRULY DEEPLY DISAPPOINTED. I was hopeful that things would be okay.
Ahh.. WHO CARES? Don't think you would be seeing this either.
No, i hardly think so.
11:25 PM
Friday, August 18, 2006
white flag. woots.
weekends weekends! time to update my blog. have to learn to be filial to stuffs u noe. hurhur. NOT!
And so.. weekends begin with the alumni band prac at bpghs and we played our very first song! CARAVAN! I admit. IM LOUSY on the clarinet but give me time ok.... i'm LEARNING! hahaha.. Fahmi and the others are good teachers so i hope i`ll grasp the technique soon enough. After band prac, fahms and i went to grab a bite and tok tok tok tok. Chatting with a childhood friend is nice once in a while even though fahms tok like mak nenek a bit. haha! woops. just kidding.
Woots. Noe wad? Music does heal the soul. I swear i was feeling super screwed before the band prac but after it, i felt light and happy. Hip hip hooray to music! I dunnoe wad i`ll do w/o it. Haha.
Plans for the weekends are unclear but i know dat i`ll be one of those peeps that have to go school tmr. blechz. Something about teacher's day. Ahaha. Wait and see for yourselves what dumb things we can do. hurhur.
Heading out to fana's bbq tmr! Haha. Dad allowed me to go in spite of the fact that im grounded. Woots. Thank goodness lah. Cant' wait! Cos its been sometime since i met the girls. Super duper miss them dey! So much to exhange. Psst pssts and all those stuffs. Ahah. Cant wait to hug fanaaa.. another bracy girlfriend of mine.
Rite.. Its been awhile. Im trying. Kavee says "......." and i will try. haha. =) Ya lah kavee, i`ll tink of you lah. woots. somehow! ahahaha... Ok ok. Seriously, i`ll try. Its not easy and it takes a lot of time. I noe you noe they dunnoe kavs. Haha.
thanks for all the tags people. nurseKELLYSHA: ni ni ni! I miss you a lot a lot. Ahah. Sometimes, stuffs like dis don't work out ya. But i believe it will one day. For u or even mie. Haha. and dat mamad not the last time mamad ok! haha. nyah HAHA: nyah haha?? haha. AZHAR! u giler guy. haha. ya lah ya lah! white hair lah! NOT. huhuhu. still jambu as ever ok. haha.. kidding. ya! u take care too. shAshA: aww. darla, thanks. huggies! nadya: ehehehe.. cute cute cute cute u! ahah. muahs muahs. MuZz: woops. haha. i still rmbr in the canteen. u realli shocked me lah. haha. =) LiNi: ooo! halooo. thanks for the tag. TC!
phew. and dat my friend is the end of my entry. haha.
much love for everyone in the world!, deen
8:26 PM
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
i wont hate no matter what.
listening to: accidentally in love - counting crows
Ahah.. Families are sometimes so supportive. Mummys are weird. But i do love mine. She gives me great advices even on embarrasing stuffs like guys. Uhuhuhuh..
Life takes a different path now. But i`ll stay happy for who i have around me. Lala, Fatin, Shasha, Erika, nadya and even my classmates. You're the best people! Hip hip hoorah! Being sad and lost will let me gain nothing so i`ll stay happy. No.. i`m not faking it. There are times when your mind suddenly goes to playback mode and everything seems to rush in but i'll get the better of it. I`ll be strong for those whom i love.
Love. Ahah.. That 4-letter word. Never fail to make you happy and hurt. Lols..
That was so random lah. I guess its due to the song i'm hearing to. Still remembered the days when the song was a hit among my friends. Those sec 2 times. When we were being naughty, playful. Ahah. Wonderful, splendid, carefree days.
I swear im super duper duperrr de duperrrrrr TIRED! EOM EOM EOM blues. Everyone's like tired from this. Plus there's a GP Common Test tmr. Ah SHOOTS. Super beat.
Think i better turn in first. Mwahs.
6:39 PM
Saturday, August 12, 2006
yipeedeedoo!! NOT.
i woke up feeling so drained today. and i went to teach feeling like a zombie. seriously, i don't know why i feel tired. lols.
yesterday, mamad was nice to keep me company with his sms-es. haha. i noe u noe but they don't know rite? *winks* thanks mamad! =) and and and we ultimately coincidentally met at alif's while we were having dinner separately with our family! woots.
almost everyone i usually sms with is away..... at this leadership camp. Ahah.. makes no difference anyway cos i am after all grounded for one whole month and yeah, it makes me half crazy to feel tied down like this. ITS HELL!
Ahah. And work is so so so piling. najis dey. There's practicals and more tutorials and project work and the teacher's day deco to take care of. Of all the peeps that had to be in the deco team, it had to be mie. No idea either why its our class only that has to get involved in the deco stuffs. wad wad only.
I`m so hardworking this days... NOT! Baahs.. I practically study according to my mood. Lols. BUT, im trying okay. So, cheer for me! Wee... =)
let'spraythatthingsaregonnabeokay. imsacrificingtodriveyourconfusionaway. raeduoyevoli. i sincerely do.
xoxo, deen
3:10 PM
Sunday, August 06, 2006
sunday mornings and bad moods.
Sunday morning...
should have been a relaxing day for me yet i had to drag myself up and teach... sucha bad start to a day when no taxis were around to get me to bukit batok. Serious lah, when im looking for a cab, none appears. but when i am, bertepek around seh! hmmpfs.
but but but... wen i finally got onto a cab, the nice uncle made my day a little btr. =) Nice uncle.. Gave me discount summore. Lols.. i shall forgive u uncle, for thinking i was a manjan. weeheehee..
I swear today, my eyes are a little smaller. Yesterday's trip to town was fun.. but darn tiring. And im grounded (again!!) for reaching home at midnight. But but but! I had awesome fun catching a movie, playing pool, walk walk walking a lot and catching the fatabulous fireworks with the special ones! wahweee... Okay, so in between there were some things here and there but i think the day turned out kinda fine despite the bloody gundu mamak at marina square's food loft. If you ever eat dere and those uncles dun layan, do me a favour and just punch them right in the face. muahaha..
But but but... i still have stuffs to complete over TODAY. Back to studying and back to doing my tutorials.
till then, xoxo's for everyone.
nadya: insyallah, i will cuties. had fun with u and the others. =) fizah: ouh hey! sure sure. im abit karat though. woohoohoo. take care too! =)
5:11 PM
Friday, August 04, 2006
what the fish!
Do i hear people saying they missed me being online?
woops! =X
heylo fellow peoples out dere. i miss blogging and i miss all the people that missed me too! =)
Let's see.. COMMON TEST IS OVER!! Phew. Sadly, the tests didnt go too well and i bet there's a high probability that im gonna fail one or two of them. I see it coming... hahs.
I'm tired, exhausted from all the studying and and emotionally exhausted too. There's too many stuffs happening i need to talk to some people about them but i can never seem to find the right time. Talking is good aye but what happens when you dunnoe where to start with? That's when the big headache comes skipping in to my brain.
School's been okay..... busy as per normal. That's why is called jc life cos its all full of Junk and Crap. Man, i have no freaking idea how long its been since i've actually been to town. I have to apologize to someone for not being able to follow to town TODAY.
Im tired, serious, i feel like breaking down, i feel like crying. The least i could ask is someone whom i can talk to, someone whom i can listen too as well, someone who would understand. I've kept all this tears to deep inside, once i break, you might never see me smile again for sometime......
i don't know if its working out well. i do care and love but i want things to turn out right for us. shall we work on it?
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