9:44 PM
Friday, July 21, 2006
common test commotion.
Another week passed. Less than 2 weeks to common test, not much time to fool around.
Wont be blogging till common test is over.
To all those who tagged, thanks. To all those who are busy mugging, all the best. =)
xoxo, deen
10:11 PM
Saturday, July 15, 2006
diva la football and studies
Seriously, my schedule is darn full that i havent been going online often lately. Hahs. Something rare in the past but not animore. Heeee...
Just got back from diva la futbol 06 and it was damn fun though im all bruised now. If things go out right, we`ll be back on the field next year. Weee.. We din manage to enter the semis but who cares! N.O.C. --> no one cares. =))

Made a few frens from this tournament and its most possible that we are seeing each other soon too. They said something bout a sports carnival somewhere around August. Not sure if NOC is joining or nt. Hahaha.. My first tournament. No experience. All newbies but well we did quite well. Defence line was okay but our attack is damn weak. Nvm, learn from mistakes. =)
The night before, AJ was having their MLDDS drama. AWWWWWW!!! I miss those mak ciks lah. Its been so loooooong since i met them. Met ilyas, sha2, khai and nadya. and SOMEONE was "fashionably late". =P Apart from that, the drama was good. You all were damn good. Yes, FARHANA, you can see this. The merak part was realli bitchy huh. MELUAT! haha. You all did a great job and i miss you all badly already. Haha.. i was practically jumping up and down when i saw hilyah, aqilah, julez, hayati, hida and etc... And i miss being in AJC.
Studies...................... not much time left.
9:05 PM
Thursday, July 06, 2006
so damn exhausted!
Ahh.. Finally updating. Blame it on the huge workload piling on me and the horrendous amount of tests coming. Hahs.
Life's been pretty hectic for the past few days. School, in fact, is killing me. Its fun no doubt, but its tiring. The pace we have to set now is way way fast. Next two weeks would be torture cos tests are coming in like nobody's freaking business. Home has become a place to mug and sleep and family time has ceased which makes it kinda boring to be at home.
This term, no play play. Common test. Term Test. SPA. I`ll be damn happy when everything's over. Nonetheless, mugging is sooooo not a choice now. ITS A MUST. I did pretty badly in term 2 and the feeling sucks. My class's standards r pretty much pushing me to study which is a good thing despite the pressure that we people in the class besides the Einsteins have to face. Even iggie is repenting which signals that i should join in the mugging parade too. Lols.
A note to buddy, DON'T BE LAZY!! haha.
adios for nw!
1:08 AM
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Joyful joyful weekends! NOT.
The 1st week of school has passed by so darn fast that i couldnt really grab hold of everything. Thank god i finished most of my tutorials on time and that lightened up my mood by just a lil wee bit.
Failed by Phy Test 2. SAD. Have to work harder and really get those gears in my brain working. Must oil them with TYS and tutorials and extra lessons. Okay, enough with figurative language, the point is i have to start MUGGING.
Went mugging with Im, Fique and Fatin on Thurs and we realli DO MUG. Haha, i told u buddy, my presence causes people to study. Weee~! Haha. No time to fool around olready this term cos everything's gonna be at full speed. Everyone's like studying hard. Even iggie/zaidie has "repent". Haha. Fatin was darn cute lahh and yeay! Strawberry shortcakes. I loike..
Feeling darn tired now. Im halucinating while typing on the keyboard cos i can just feel that soft pillow under my head now. hahs. Tmr morn, having taekwondo and then off to that SYF opening. TILL NITE. WTH. Goodbye LOOONG WEEKEND.
My throat has become much of a pest to me. Damn. Better cut down on all those fried, sweet stuff. Bye bye old chang kee. HAH! Who cares. =)
Off to bed now. nites lovelies.
I`m glad to have you around.
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