11:29 AM
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
down with bozo flu.
Just when holidays were starting, this little girl decided to run in the rain and catch a flu. A bad flu which made her have fever too. Thanks to this buddy who helped mie a lot while my slipper konked out on me. And thanks too for laughing at me when i almost slipped! Haha.
Yes the people. Its the harsh reality. I've caught a flu. An idiotic flu cos i chose to run in the rain to catch Xmen3. It was raining and it was cold and knowing my sensitive nose, i shouldnt have ran in the rain. Wahaha. Xmen3 was nice but its kinda sad that a lot of unexpected stuff had to happen. Its so different from what they had in the cartoon. The storyline was sad but the movie was quite okay. I`ll give it 7 thumbs up over 10. It could have been better.
Had the physics enrichment course yesterday at NUS and well, it could have been fun if i wasnt sneezing away and asking for tissue paper from my fellow jjcians. It sucks lah! Everywhere is air-conditioned and it made my condition worse. I was making unproductive sound all the way. Brengsek punyer hidung. Ish ish ish.. After i went home, i ate and slept like a pig lah! This flu is making the worse out of mie. Seriously its effing irritating!!
to top it off, im pissed with my computer and my sis. doubly pissed.
6:35 PM
Saturday, May 27, 2006
its the season to be merry!
Its unbelievable sometimes what your mind wants you to do. I just cleaned up my room and god knows why i hate the mood too. Weehee! Now its all spick and span and smelling goooodd! =)
Finally i can say this. HOLIDAYS ARE HERE!! How great. No more waking up damn early to go school and yeah no more looooong loooong days in school. Bad thing is... we still get filled to the brim with loads and loads of tutorials and assignments. Wth. Hope i manage my time during the hols well. Its freaking scary to have teachers calling up your parents cos u din perform well in a test. Have yet to get that. EEEE... DUN WANT to get that.
Work aside, ITS TIME TO PARTY! Weird thing is staying up late seems impossible for mie these days. I get knocked out by 11 everyday. No idea why. *gives the puzzled look*
Taught Siti and Hanin today and we were so disorganized. Siti, Hanin, if your reading this please do know that im concerned k. It is vital for u, esp Siti to learn the importance of having a sense of urgency. Ur major exams are coming up and its not nice to know that ur kuzzins din do well for it. Dun disappoint me or ur parents kay? =)) Mug hard!!
So yeah, i was feeling worried for my kuzzins. She really needs to buck up. Haish. Oh wells. Had breakfast at Alif's just now with the mum and dad and sis. There was a pasar malam there and we got carried away with spending. Dad was like frowning. Lols. Its a once in a while tingy! Dun get too "frowny". So yeah, we talked here and there and talked about "U". Seems like things are tough in spore. Gotta really pull my socks up so that i`ll get a place in the faculty i want 2 go.
X-men 3 is out people! I cant wait to go and watch it with syafique. My first movie of the month! Pathetic aye? Totally. So yeah. People at school have been giving sneaky smiles. Syafiq and me are buddies. That's all. See lah. This happened before back then in sec sch. And it had to happen again in jc. Aiyoh. -_- But who cares anyway! I know i don't! =) Ouh, not forgetting. Mr Kavee, we've got a movie to catch! Lols. *winkwink*
Bla bla bla. I`ve ran out of stuff to say. Been missing tkd for the past 2 weeks cos of tests. I miss the kicking and punching! Btr go next week. Heeee..
Okay fellows, gtg now. Hugs for all!
And happy holiday-ing!
fanaaa: lawa ah pic kau yg last tuuu. woohoo. terpikat aku. kekeke. tc. love u loads. muacks! deen: hehe! terpikat? cey! lols. syg kamu jgk!
qeela: deen!i miss you la dengki.. deen: bluek. aku tk dengki lah! hehe. i miss u too huns.
zafirah*: Hello! Thks for the tag, and I think u look diff now. More matured? Maybe. Prettier? Definitely. :) deen: aww. thnks zaf. All the best for ur MT o levels! U cn do it!
siti: cool pics kak ul.i think the cuz doesnt even miss us at all:( deen: dun tink day way can? stuff r jz not rite at the moment. BUT u btr buck up kuzzie. U`ve gt lots to catch up on. Make use of ur hols.
wanee: siak uh deen. u look diff with coloured contacts. ke mmg mater kau rosak seh. and ouhh da cake looks so fucken cool seh. and yes nyce layout. aku da malas nk tuka layout. da takde time uh gerl. aniwaes tc sweets deen: haha. aper sajer lah ko nie. bukan mata aku rosak! its the contacts lah. haha. i changed this quite sumtym ago. Kata dah jadi nurse kn.. dats y ur busy. lols. ok thnks. u tc too!
yazid: hey you changed your blog! i just found out thru farhana's blog. lol. anw thanks for coming down to my sch today...! deen: haha! yeah i did. u din realise? tu lah. dun 1 2 go view my blog often. lols. ler.. np yazid!
shahrul: harliew... eh u want me to make a copy of da adobe photoshop?? btw nice cake there.. hahakz..sedap tk? deen: mstilah sedap. gue yg buat deh. hmm.. nvm lah. no nid make a copy. thnks though! =)
as: hey..relink me..hehe. deen: hey as! its done!
nadya: ey hello!(: nice seeing you at the talentime.u look prettyyyyy(: deen: thnks. haha! hello 2 u 2. talentime was awesome. u look great 2! jeles bgt lah. ur so clever seh.
farisha: hey!!! (: link me pls. and i saw you yest at MI carnival!! haha deen: yeah! i saw u too! =) ur linked!
suhaiLa: aloooooooooooooooo! justdropping by to TAG. ahaha! chinese forever singing CHINESE songs manzz! wakaka! deen: thnks 4 droppin by susu! yeah. ur rite! naseb ade lagu sedap. haha.
far: hello deenee! how`re you doing? deen: hi far! ive been busy lah. im sure ur same2 oso rite? hees. i miss ur tags!
Benny VBenny V: Deen. amcm. hahahaha. lamer tak nmpk ko. hahaha. eh, tag my blog ya. huhuhahahaha. tc!!! peace out. deen: woik. ko nie klakar lah. tag ur blog? where's the link?? alarmak. mcm gini lah org da tua. hehs.
z*na: HEYS.Nice blog u have here yea.Link me k!(= deen: wokies! sure sure. love the way u blog zalena! hehe.
khai: hey! =) deen: r u khairiz? haha. i tink u r. aniwae! hey back! =)
peace out! lallaalaala~~
8:26 PM
Saturday, May 20, 2006
almost drowned in hot water.
Just got back from MI carnival. Wahlau! Its kind of old. No, it IS old. It was hot and crowded and i got lost countless times. Saw a few jjcians there and most were in their school tees. some show of patriotism aye? Patriotic or nt, it sure was gd to mit up with the old buddies!
So yeah, JJ's talentime was on yesterday and to tell u the truth i thought it would be quite boring at first. Turns out that it came out real good! The first group to perform the song "Zombie" was realli worth praising. They realli had coordination and damn! i envy that girl drummer! Whatever it may be lah, you ought to see the greatest sensation of the night. Mutton Balls was awesome! Seriously seriously great. Kudos to those dancers. They realli worked the beat. Nana and Lala were liked eyeing Gino throughout the dance cause he looked extra good on the stage yesterday. Hats off to them lah bebey! They deserved it. =)
And as per normal, all these occasions come with a guest of honour. He's speech turned out to be one song.... 2 songs.... 3 songs... 4 SONGS! and most of them had to be in chinese lah. At least go show the han yu pi yin or sumtin so that we can sing-a-long... -_- PLUS our maths lecturer sang some chinese song. It was kinda bad but well.... she had the courage to go up and sing. She may be good with numbers but i think she better not sing. One other teacher... Mr Tan realli had the whole hall worked up. He dance and sang this eng song and this malay song by Siti Nurhaliza. Haha! He's got the stage performance. So kudos to him too!
Excitement aside, the bad news for mie is : I din even study one bit since thurs nite. "Good" job for me cos if i dun get my butts to work, im sure to fail the GP TCA, the PHY test and Chem SPA. Plus plus, mon, lessons end at 7 cos of the CKT. Ouh wells, at this rate, i cant wait for the holidays. So much for the last relaxing week of the term. Feeling the strain again. Gosh, im starting to "LOVE" school.
Boo. Rites, gtg and get my brains working.
8:13 PM
Thursday, May 18, 2006
a loong week ends.
Getting my bum in front of the computer today is definitely a luxury. Im happy. =)
I had my chem test just now and it was manageable and definitely easier than the previous test. Kueh and i challenge ourselves.. let's see who must blanja who okay kueh?
My plans for tmr's "holiday" is simple... Wake up a lil late, catch some cartoon on tv, take my time to rest at home and then get ready for JJ talentime. I cant wait! I love school events such as these and well, i cant wait to see all those fab dances tmr nite! Can't wait to camwhore with Lala! She takes wonderful pics cos she's so the jambu lahh.. Grr.. aku jeles tau Lala. hehe..
Im down with cough actualli and slight fever but im trying my best to refrain from oily stuff that can make my throat deteriorate. I cant believe it! My dad just brought home this nice, piece of cheese cake from secret recipe and of all the time that he had to bring it home, it had to be NOW! Im so tempted to taste it but it'll be the end of my throat.... so sad. =(
Life's been fun.. classes been great and people have been nice. Grrlfrens has been wonderful and i miss them evermore. I hope we meet up again all my lovely darlas! All the stuff that had happened recently realli brought me down but then, when the going gets tough, the tough has to get going. Its the cycle of life. There's always ups and downs. I might have my ups now but downs are unexpected and could be just down the road from me.
Wishing all JJcians a h
appy "short" holidays and to all others a nice weekend!
Since its been awhile since i last post pictures, here's a few! ENJOY! =)
 the ocassional peaces. lols. curik2 ambek pat maner ajer ini!
 my lovely grrlfrens.. mwah mwah!
 lala yg jambu. grr.. hehe!
 the best mother's day ever! btw, dat cake, I baked it! nice not??
 the kuzzins with the uncle. family hug!
 my lovely fam. =)
 AND MIE! tadaa! with the ice cream. lols!
okaybye! mwah mwahs! shoot mie a tag people!
9:11 PM
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
busy busy busy!
i havent had the time to update my lil blog. just have to say that im super de duper de BUSY!
catch ya purple flies some way down the week. FRI IS A HOLIDAY! again!!
7:23 PM
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
my com sucks.
Finally, fri is coming soon.. Just one more day and yipa! im gonna celebrate the looooong weekend. I need a break, hullo. Totally need a break.
School's a "wonder". With all the tutorials and assignment piling up it is a wonder how i am able to get my rest. I sleep at almost 1 am everyday and i look freaking bad! with all those eyebags, i tink i qualify to scare ghosts away.
Rite, want to hear something new? The "hot" word among guys these days is ..... 'CUTE!'. Ironic aint it? I have no idea why but guys just adore saying the word cute this days. I hear it too much that my ears can burst! Of all words, 'cute' has to be the 'hot' word. I turn cold when guys recite them. Hahaha...
I am seriously feeling the aches and pains after suffering through the recent tkd practice. The miracle is that IM STILL ALIVE! Seriously talking, u had to do these crunches which makes ur face go all tight up or those leg bends that just makes u 1 2 faint. I almost wanted to chase after the instructor but thought the better of it. Wahah! Im just a small fry in tkd after all! I am nuts if i realli do.
To further irritate me, my com just plans to freakingly act as if its a dumb machine. It better stop or not i`ll flare up!!!!!!!
dah lah, i need to take a shower. so long suckers! =P
11:57 PM
Saturday, May 06, 2006
life's turns.
When the earth starts to cry, it pours out every single tear it has, vents every single drop of anger is has, lets go every scoop of hurt inside its heart.
but i just cant.
11:49 PM
Thursday, May 04, 2006
bad day.
As if it was not enough that i was sleep deprived, i had to endure a long long day. The moment i looked at the paper, i knew that i had failed myself, once again. I was distracted, so disappointed that i didnt even bother talking to a single soul. Or maybe, i was just plunging into darkness in my mind.
Yes, bad days do happen. And no, i dun like bad days.
I had to muster up courage to ask these days. I am always scared of people's perception towards me. Perhaps that is my weakness. perhaps. It has always been this way. I grew up trying to make people think that i was good but in fact i had so many insecurities inside. I realise now that perceptions are bull-shit. I spent too much time trying to impress people that i forget what's most important. Its hard to kick that old habit out but im trying and i know that it takes every inch of me to turn that old habit away.
Besides i think that proving myself to myself is most important of all for i sometimes or rather most of the time, i lack the confidence to move on. I easily get pinned down by other things and when i do i suddenly stop. My failures are caused by nobody but me. Yes, this soul who is typing this entry out.
Other than all this academic pressure im getting, im starting to miss this 87 person a bit. Haish. No prizes for the one who guesses right. Haha.
xoxo, deen.
8:02 PM
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
kit kat kan kreak ky kaw. kakakaka.
Time passes fast aye? Now we're in early May. The next time you realise it, its gonna be June and we're gonna enjoy the holidays. Yeay!!
I've been having a small movie marathon myself over the long weekend. I must say one movie striked me in the heart the most. NO. Its not about sappy love stories or yada yada yada.. its about life in Afghanistan. Its pretty sad how life turns out there. Kids DO really pick up scrapes of food around there just to survive another day in life. Just another day......
So well, my mind goes tick-tock tick-tock and i came up with a plan to devote my free time to volunteering. Its kinda random but i hope this plan wont fail cos i know i`ve got sum great grrlfrens whose gonna do this with me. Being with them always enlightens my mood. Its a blessing to have them.
School's like normal. Nothing exciting happens. Waiting for stuff to happen. Hahs. Good news is i rarely sleep during lectures/tutorials. WAY TO GO DEEN! hiphiphooray.
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browser: mozilla firefox
a disclaimer.
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designer: ernest
reference: eclair-x
inspiration: pullyourtangles