5:33 PM
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
hollie jemollies!
Its been sumtime since i had the time to update! Finally, im here. My computer is down currently so that explains the lack of updates. School's getting busier by the day and it gets more tiring and tiring. I miss the luxury i had during the secondary school days.
Nonetheless, the good news is that i don't have school on THURSDAY! Oh jolly good days! Haha. Our school was chosen as the venue for the elections to be held so the authorities need to close our school for that day to do "something" to it.
Life's pretty silent these days. oh! I do miss shopping! The last time i went out for retail therapy was eons ago and now, my wadrobe needs some replenishing. SERIOUS REPLENISHING. Its so pathetic i can fit myself inside it, do some chacha dance and jumping jacks in it. Lols.
What other thing is there to complain about? MY CIVICS TEACHER. She degraded my Preliminary Idea!! I have no idea why. She's so contradictory. In fact, i didnt change much of my PI at all. And still i get a grade less. Hmmphs. Im mad, angry and god knows what else when i got my PI back. She's too confusing lah. If you had her for a Project Work teacher also, you'll think this is just ridiculous.
I`ve been eating a lot lately due to unavoidable STRESS and well, i gotta admit, IM FAT-ter. haha!! yes. FATTER NOW! My relatives noticed it and cant help teasing about my blobs of fat. This is all influenced by LALA! She keeps eating and don't bother so i don't bother and i eat as well. Lols.
Next week Mon is another holiday! Holly Jemoly! I do love holidays. Wahaha. Take note of the excessive use to exclammation marks today. I have no idea why i sound so excited. Maybe its due to the overdose of chocolate i ate just now.
Owh wells, time to go now fellow wellows. Gotta go and complete some shitz-nitsz.
Catch ya later pinky winkies! Do tag at my board!
11:12 PM
Saturday, April 15, 2006
sleep like a pig.
im having a serious bad case of disease M. shoot me sumone. get my ass off the bed. get me going and up and completing my tutorials and studying for my tests.
shoot me someone.
8:17 PM
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
taekwondo girl.
`if you could be my only one..
As soon as tmr is over, im one happy girl. That is, for the weekends. I have so much to blog about! Im just so excited to announce that im in taekwondo now so be careful wif me. Any messing around, i`ll go kicking you in the ass. =P
Before i start my usual rants, i`ll like to make a shout out to my dearest lovely april babies grrlfren.
may all your dreams get fulfilled and may love be alongside u all the time. muacks! love u grrls a lot.
Ok, back to the synopsis of the past few days. Im a dini the busy bee lah this days. Next week is gonna be much more tortorous as everyday is practically filled with common tests. At this rate which life is going, i really cant wait for the june holidays to come. The situation gets even more stressful. My friend broke down just now in class. That freaked me out totally cos its only the beginning and im feeling the stretch olready.
Two days ago was Qila darling's bday and we surprised her with the same blackforest cake that we had last year during my bday! Lols. That cake brings back sooo many fond memories that i didnt mind eating more. and i really mean MORE.

 As you fellow tinkie winkies can see, that's me in my new jj uniform! Any difference from the sec sch deen and the jc deen?
We bought qila a rose as well. Im glad that we could celebrate her birthday together. Did a lot of catching up and qeela looks so pretty, don't u think so? Lols. And fana looks so chummy and cute and tembam. I realli treasure the bond that we share dearies.
Lols, aside from all this mushy stuff, i couldnt help noticing how the world is filled with both kindred and atrocious souls. I was on the way home at the MRT station and there was a blind man who had difficulties moving round. A young lady, came up to help him from Boon Lay to Jurong East but had to leave after that. It was this gesture that lightened up my heart. But it didnt last long cos an inconsiderate soul, a teenager to be more precise, just wouldnt want to give way to this blind man. I wanted to help him but an older lady was faster. She guided the man into the train heading towards marina bay.
That incident got me thinking for a moment. Strange how this world works. That is life. Okey, gtg lovelies. Catch ya later.
Lots of love. deen
11:51 PM
Sunday, April 09, 2006
la tortura week.
in this world, there is but only one for me.
Evening lovely readers, such a hectic week i had. one's about to end yet another's about to come. Saturdays are all about lazing around until late mornings but i was deprived of this chance to lay back under the warm covers of my bed. Instead, i was up and going, getting ready for school. Yes honey, school. Such torment i had to go through. I have no idea how i am able to withstand this torment anymore. Lols.
Thank you dear lovely readers for your oncoming tags and i do say i appreciate a word or two from any passer-bys. Please do keep on tagging wonderful lovely people.
I am so hooked on panic! at the disco's "i write sins, not tragedies" and lifehouse's you and me. Music has been my constant companion during my lonely journeys to and fro from school. My mobile has been pretty silent these few days though. haha.
If you read my previous entry, i sound angered, frustrated, furious and god knows what else. I was and i still am but fatigue has overcome me. Simply typing words on the screen is a big chore but blogging has its own fair share of therapy so, i'll say, im pretty okay now. =) Thanks to my buddy, kavee who has been helping me with my PW. I pray that my 2nd official proposal does not get rejected. Amin.
Next week's gonna be hell for me. I`ve yet to complete my GP portfolio and i have in mind a need to approach my GP teacher to seek for an extension as i was absent during the past week. *sighs*
This is what i have to pay to join in the paper chase. -_-"
nites everyone. sweet dreams.
11:39 PM
deen replies:
grrlfrens*eight : hey huns. checked. love u grrls. uni nurse : dah. mrepek eh kamu nie. hehe! sbab tuu aku syg kamu. n stop the SITI word. ouch. it hurts my ears. lols. fahmi: i love this song too lah!! =) supergrrl: iyer aica! who doesnt noe dat supergrrl is u dearie. love ya lots mini fridge. *KISS!!* sheMALE-*: lah, ader ajer ko nie tukar2 name ehh. wo ye ai ni!! <3 as: haha! yeah. camp rawks my socks. woohoo! glad u had fun. fahmi: i havent figured out wads the problem lah. dunnoe y it disappeared. i`ll go check wokies. nyah: AZHAR!! u scum! haha. jkjk. i hope i wont get sick again. u t`care 2! =)
7:17 PM
Thursday, April 06, 2006
my hair is turning white.
b is for bananas.
its not a freaking good thing when ur preliminary idea jz got rejected. its not a good thing when your assignments are due next week. its not a good thing that your common tests are coming in 2 weeks' time. its not a good thing to noe that your holiday plans are disrupted cos of a test. its not good.
and its not good to know that im going bonkers with all these not-good-to-know stuff.
blardy tests and assignments! hmmph.
7:21 PM
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
boogie to the flu.
There's a song thats inside of my soul. It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again.
My dad thought i was faking it but i was really sick and i din do any magic tricks to the thermometer while i was at the doctor. I've got the flu bug and got 2 days MC + one week off PC!
Despite that, i kinda miss school. I missed my PW sessions and i hope that doesnt pull down my grades. I realli need to ace my PW cos its needed for our university entry. Its crazy how you have to squeeze all your brain juice to come up with a really genuine and feasible idea. It would be a great disappointment if the idea was rejected. That's why i hope my idea would at least achieve acceptable expectations or even better, the exceeding expectations grade.
Work aside, i'm feeling better already! The medication is realli affective uh. Who knows one day, me, DOCTOR DINI, will create a faster cure for flu or even a cure for the ultimate killer AIDS! As the wise old ones once said, "dream big!".
A new song has been uploaded and i simply love the subtleness of the song! For those who thinks this song sounds familiar, maybe cos its from the ultimate tear-jerking movie, "A Walk To Remember." Mak oi, when i watched that movie, my tears just poured non-stop. Its sucha.. *sobsob*.. nice, sad lovestory.DIA, on the other hand is just unbearable. MENYAMPAH LAH watch this type of drama series. But im addicted to it and jz cant bear to miss an episode. Haish. @*#(&@*&(*&!)(*!!!!
Oklah, gtg and feed myself with all those medicines! =)
7:15 PM
deenee replies :
far: thnks for being the first to tag far! hehe. dee*ana: heylo yan! thnks for dropping by too. hehe. =) u take care too pretty 1. suhaila: oh hi su! its been sumtime since u tagged. hw r u? supergrrl: thks dearie! udah gedek iya kamu ini! syg kamuuuu. uni: my nurse! hehe. trima kaseh. tapi bukan aku yg buat lah. and dun say dat siti werd again!! lala: yeay! u tagged. psl aku force ko tag. hehee. ah ler. ko kn type ruggard sikit. tapi leh try lah! FANA: hey darls. ur tag like so sexy lah. hehe. love yah! miss-say: heylo! i like ur blog add. sumtin unique. okies, i`ll link up asap! fahmi: halo uncle!! thnks for the cookies! =) their yummy.
8:29 PM
Monday, April 03, 2006
blocked pipes and sandpaper.
i missed school today cos late last night i caught the flu! eurgh. blardy flu and sorethroat. buat gue miss skolah aje!
i hate the feeling of mucus drooping from my nose and the coarse feeling when i swallow my saliva! my bedside has been cluttered with tissue. hahas. i swear i cud hear my mum yelling at me! the medication's not effective enough so i guess the germs are pretty stubborn. naughty germs!
funny huh hw i had the mood to blog but suddenly, im lazy to even type one more word. ah! PMS.
okay bye.
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resolution: 1440x900
browser: mozilla firefox
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