11:08 PM
Friday, March 31, 2006
bz bz bz bz bz.
I officially declare week 2 of term 2 the most hectic week of all. Let's face it, 5 days straight, earliest time i went home was 3.30pm and the latest i finished was at 7pm? Plus, its just the 2nd week of school yet we have extra lessons olready.
Schools fun and right now, i have a new nickname. My nice and sweet name has changed into "SITI" which sounds so kampung girlish!! darn. Thanks mike, for assuming my name was Siti. My class is fun overall but its still pretty divided. The girls are bonded among the girls and the guys among themselves. My class has no gorgeous guy but my class president is pretty good looking! But its so hard to strike a conversation with him so, *TOOOT*, he's no good for me. LOls. Another guy, eric, is damn rich! He has credit cards, mind you, i donoe for wad purpose. Hehs. Another guy, chin chean, loves pikachu. He even offered to draw one for me! Siao guy. hehe. The girls in my class are twice louder than the guys. The teachers get agitated with us but then, no one has yet been sent out of the class.
A doze off during lectures a few times this week and its partially due to the late nights which i stay and also partially cos the lecture is damn boring!!! My classmates were no more innocent than i am. Haha, its such a hilarious sight. I bet more of those will come.
Wednesday is CCA day at jjc and yet, i wasnt enjoying one bit of it last week! I attended band and it was hyper pathetic! I hated it. It was so darn boring, me and Erika was making a fool of ourselves, making noise, disturbing other band players and amusing ourselves with our own little games. Blechz. Im not joining band no more. ODAC, here i come! lols. fyi, odac is sumtin like and outdoor adventure club. Weehee! I saw a few hunks there. Good eye candies available free of charge! Yipeeeeee~!
Finally! Fri has arrived! Time for a well-deserved short weekend. After my last phy lessons jz nw, i rushed home before meeting Fana and Lot 1 to get the girlfriend's mini fridge her birthday present! 7-teen olready! SO OLD AMAH!

Do you see that mini fridge above me and fana? Dats the BIRTHDAY GIRL!
"happy birthday to you!, happt birthday to you!, happy birthday to AISHAH!, happy birthday to you!!!
well wished for you beloved grrlfren! May Allah bless you and may you achieve the dreams that you always wanted to complete. hope u like our present! LOVE YAH LOTS!!!!
2:11 PM
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Sometimes I reflect back to my past doings and i couldn't believe how selfish, or even self-centered i could be.
Mistakes are made to be forgiven and to be learnt from. I`ve made many in the past and i`ll really like to apologize to all of whom i have directed my anger, frustrations on or even done silly things to.
Lately, i`ve been doing a lot of thinking and i REALLI mean A LOT. I`ve been missing my grrlfrens a lot. Aica, Wani, Fana, Faradee, Qila, Yana and Ika. These are the lot of gerls that were my constant partners during my secondary school days and i realli appreaciate the stuffs that we had done. Friends are a part of life that we can choose to keep alongside us all the time.
Since after our o`s, we`ve not been going out together as often as when we were during the secondary school days. Times have changed and are different now. Everyone's looked extra pretty!
To these girls, i salute them for they were a great bunch of friends.
I realli need to do a lot of catching up with them. You all can say i was the bad one. Hahs. I`ve not been doing much talking with them. I`ve changed the way i perceive life. My thoughts are more broad and wide. I realli hope to not repeat foolish mistakes.
I really love my grrlfrens.
and i really have a lot of tutorials to do. Hehe! You get the drift. gtg!
xoxoxxooxxxoxo, deenee
9:49 PM
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
cca fair = BLURNESS.
An assistant director assists the director in what he does, must have preferably similar thinking to him and share same sentiments as him.
K, dats the role that i had for the Pesta Peti Puti. Erika and me grabbed the jobs. We have to assist our director, that MR "JON". He seems like a joker but i bet wen he means he's serious, he IS.
Fadillah joined tarian and it was kinda a shock for me and erika! We mocked her and disturb her here and there but she noes that we realli dun mind her joining tarian. What's funny is, 90% of the guys also signed up for tarian. super darn ironic.
cca fair was a blur cos erika and me were running here and there, unsure of wad to join. i was thinking of joining band again. But then, netball still sounds super fun. I can't decide so i jz signed my name in both ccas. I`ll choose after i`ve thought of it. Touch rugby trials are on fri and i`m itching to try for it.
okey, tv's calling me!
jjc rawks! =)
n i like the new friends. they are nice peeeps.
10:24 PM
Monday, March 20, 2006
officially a J1.
First day of school was S-L-O-W.
We got lost a few times, looking for a particular room. Made lotsa more new friends in my new class and well, bad to noe, im the onli malay girl there. 2 other malay guys were in my class, Khairul and Zaidi.
Its onli the first day but i gotta admit that im beat. Tired. Plus there's lotsa work to do already. PW is a killer, its totally different from the IPW that we had back then in our secondary school days. Mondays and Tuesdays, we have PC or rather PE is the common term. This is VERY VERY bad cos i`ll be a running skeleton by wednesday.
This is only the beginning of a new adventure and i`ll make sure i`ll stay right to the very end. The journey has only started yet and my engine's getting warm. Time to zooooom OFF!
5:47 PM
Saturday, March 18, 2006
the attack of the giant ants.
Sadness should always be temporary cos its not worth to be down all the time.
Yesterday's fishing trip was a mixture of annoyance, fun and laughter. Our biggest turn off was the large colony of barbaric, hungry ants which were biting us all over and eating our yummy yummy food. The second turn off was the bon voyage of our volleyball. I bet the ball has reached the shores of Sentosa! Lols.

Nvm all that, we still had fun. Piggy back rides, crazy dances, our "let's wreck the song" routines. It was an awesome "morning" for me. Family time is a must in our lives cos they say blood is always thicker than water.
Nothing much to update yet, i`m trying to fine some nice new templates to use. Furthermore, i lost my links and all so.. big job to do.
School's starting the day after tommorow! I can't wait. Excited gilers. hahs. Ok den.
Word of the day ; ants.
alritey. SMILE. & have a nice ANTSY day! =P
8:00 PM
Friday, March 17, 2006
blogger sucks.
Feels great to return to the computer screen and blog. Bad news is, my blog went berserk that i had to delete it and re-make a new blog. I`ve lost all my links too cos i was way too clever. I din copy the previous template and the result is a new blog. Everything's new.
Dang! It sucks but u cant do anitin. Its the horibble system. Hehs.I`m not realli in a mood to type much cos the day has worn me out. Ransacked my study room and rearranged everything! My my, i have so many rubbish in that junkyard! 4 big plastic bags full of paper and books i don't need. No wonder my mum called me a tikus (mouse). Hahaha..
Been going out for the past few days! Im uber uber tanned now cos i spent a whole day out there in Sentosa with my OG mates. Thank god today's outing to Sentosa was cancelled Gor nt i`ll be pitch black already!
Yesterday, my uncle sent a kitten to our house! Now, i`ll have extra company at home. Watching kittens is the ultra therapy to boredom and gloominess cos these cute lil things never fail to amuse one's heart with their hyperness! Too bad this fuzzy cute thing is not permanent.
Just a shout out to fariza a.k.a. farbanana:Thnks for ut tag dearie! Hope we get to meet soon too. Hmm, i miss u dearly. All the best to u when school reopens kay! Tell me about everything that's going on in aj! =))
Oh yah, i went through some of the old stuff that i had and i saw some realli nice pics! A pic of wen i was in A team in the school's marching band. We all looked realli farnie and different. Haha! But those marching times were fun. Wani, Me, Muhaimin, Wei Liang, Izzati were all in that pic. Awesome!!
I also saw a cheque my friend gave! Haha. From aica. Yeah. Maybe she remembers it, maybe not. It was worth a thousand hugs. I thought i lost it but it was right there in that old book. Haha. Memories.
So today's word of the day ;SMILE.A smile could go a long way. A smiling person does not mean a happy person BUT a person who smiles often will gradually be happy always.
Spread the smile around! Exercise some face muscles today. =)
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